Below you can find guidance for local OnyxForum isntallation and configuration for developing purposes. OnyxForum is based on Flask and FlaskBB, so you can find additional useful information on the link below:
Required prerequisites:
- git
- python3
- npm
- mysql or any other SQL-compatible DB server
Optional prerequisites:
- redis - required for some queue-based features
One-line command to install prerequisites:
sudo apt install git python3 npm redis-server mysql-server
Check if mysql and redis are running:
systemctl status mysql/redis
Run mysql and redis, if they are not:
systemctl start mysql/redis
Optional, set mysql and redis to start on OS startup:
systemctl enable mysql/redis
First of all get sources:
cd ~/sources
git clone
cd OnyxForum
Initialize and activate virtual environment:
virtualenv .venv --python=python3.8
source .venv/bin/activate
Install Python prerequisites:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install hub module:
pip install -e modules/hub
Note: For now, Hub module is required for OnyxForum functioning. It will be decoupled later.
Install DB client python library Note: If you use other DB server than MySQL (or MariaDB), then you should install corresponding client library, and accordingly configure AlchemySQL on OnyxForum configuration step.
sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev
pip install mysqlclient pymysql
Configure Hub module:
cp modules/hub/hub/configs/example/* modules/hub/hub/configs
cp modules/hub/hub/ modules/hub/hub/
Adjust configs at your will
Initialize OnyxForum and gameservers Databases with templates:
sudo mysql # or access mysql console as a local user
mysql> source /[path_to_sources_folder]/OnyxForum/SQL/donations_scheme.sql
mysql> source /[path_to_sources_folder]/OnyxForum/SQL/servers_scheme.sql
Start Flask configuration:
flaskbb makeconfig --development
When wizard is finished, flaskbb.cfg file is created. You can adjust it at your will.
Make some changes to flaskbb.cfg (Note: we configure server for local developing and debugging with simple backend. Settings for release deployment with nginx or another backend will be different):
- Add 5000 port to url, for example:
SERVER_NAME = "example.test:5000"
It's required, because we will configure our debug webserver to forwarding requests for our OnyxForum to 5000 port later.
Add your test domain ("example.test" in the example) to /etc/hosts with redirection to localhost: example.test
Make sure that the names of the hub and gameserver databases are correspond to the names at your DB server.
- Create Discord bot, fill tokens and DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI
You can create Discord application and bot here: Developers Applications Guid to python Discord library and bots: Guide to them
Compile themes:
Note: it's may require to install some additional packages with npm
cd ./flaskbb/themes/onyx
npm run build:all
# repeat for other themes, that you are going to use
- Install the OnyxForum:
make install
- Finally, run the server:
make run
- Change your user's
(Administrators) - Open your
in browser and log in - Go to
http://example.test:5000/admin/ -> Plugins -> Portal -> Disable
Make some more changes to hub's DB:
- Add
toonyx -> money_currencies
- Add
toonyx -> point_transaction_types
- Add
toonyx -> point_transaction_types
- Add
toonyx -> donations_types
- Add your
toonyx -> dicord_users
- Add patron type to onyx ->
onyx -> patrons_type
- Add yourself to
onyx -> players
It's not required for forum usage, but you need to run a gameserver for Hub integration development
Unzip it where you want
sudo make install
Git clone our build
git clone
Compile it:
~/byond/bin/DreamMaker ~/OnyxBay/baystation12.dme
touch /etc/systemd/system/onyx.service
Description=Onyx SS13 Server
User=[change to current user]
ExecStart=/home/user/byond/bin/DreamDaemon /home/user/OnyxBay/baystation12.dmb 2505 -trusted -core -invisible
Restart daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
Rename example of servers config
Redact it with your needs
- For hub log Don't forget change <server_id>
mkdir logs/<serverd_id>
touch logs/<serverd_id>/update.log
touch logs/<serverd_id>/server.log