A calendar app being developed purely in java, meant for studies to create an easy overview of upcoming events. Displaying the 10 next events
Object structure:
Event (public):
- Title(string, required)
- Category title(string, optional)
- Note(string, optional)
- Date and time(DateFormat, date: required, time: optional)
- Category(string, required)
- Include JPanel showing corresponding information
- Use create event method and store in internal array
- Title(string)
- Color(Color)
- Description(string) // Constant throughout same category
Category manager (public static):
- Stores the different categories made
- Can add and remove at will
- Fetch images (smart, so it will only fetch if not already)
- Fetch textfiles
- Write textfiles
- Which window is active
- Render window function, changes when state is switched
- Colorwheel picker (JPanel, mouse events)
- Ghost textfields (JTextfield, focus event, update event
- Buttons with custom design
- Handles all keyinput and mouse events not exclusive to components (ex. custom buttons have own)
- Utilizes state to switch between interactions