This is a sample project to use for OpenShift s2i Templates and Jenkins Pipelines
This project by default will create a freestyle job called "dsl_seed" that is meant to load your pipeline repo along with openshift/contra-lib. Contra-lib is loaded to provide library support. To use the dsl_seed job, follow these steps.
mkdir -p your-pipeline-repo/src/jobs
This example creates a job called samplePipelineJob and leverages the class PipelineJob in openshift/contra-lib.
import org.centos.contra.jobdsl.PipelineJob
def job = new PipelineJob(this, 'samplePipelineJob')
job.fedMsgTrigger('org.fedoraprojectb', 'fedora-fedmsg', ['check1': 'value1'])
job.addGit([branch: 'master', repoUrl: ''])
Use the provided OpenShift template and provide the link to your pipeline repo.
oc new-app -f jenkins-persistent.yml -p DSL_JOB_REPO=githubOrg/pipeline-repo
This project adds contra-lib and contra-library as shared libraries to the Jenkins master automatically. However, the user can change which shared libraries are added. To do so, navigate to sharedLibConfigs. Each json file represents a shared library. Any number of json files can be added or removed from this directory. Supported fields include the name of the library (required), the url to it (required), and the following optional fields: refspec, implicit, and branch.