Tests to couple MBDyn with PreCICE
- rigid_motion : an airfoil is moved with specific pattern and forces are measured. First test, might be incomplete, better use the next one.
- in fluid SU2_CFD rigid_config.cfg (assuming SU2_CFD in path)
- in rigid ../coupling-code/bin/RigidMotion ../config.xml NACA_0012.foil (assuming that coupling code has been compiled)
- 0012_points : a NACA0012 airfoil is rotated with the pattern shown in the graph and forces are measured. the CL is computed and compared to theoric. Different number of points is considered for the rigid mesh
- fluid-start : is used to create a first solution to be used in the fluid solver. SU2_CFD force_start_config.cfg and copy restart_flow.dat into fluid as restart_flow_00000.dat
- in fluid : SU2_CFD rigid:config.cfg
- in rigid : the executable is the same of the first test: RigidMotion ../config.xml /foils/NACA_0012_XXX.foil
- ts-driver : test to set external time step to MBDyn
- in one shell start MBDyn form the mbd directory: mbdyn -f input.mbd - o output
- in the other shell run ./bin/ts_driver
- mbdyn-external : test to use an external node:
- from the mbd subdirectory launch mbdyn -f spring1.mbd
- form the bin directory launch ./mbdyn_external
- the output file "Forces.txt" is analysed in the notebook subdirectory
- extnode-tsdriver : test to use both an external node and an external delta t driver:
- form the mbd subdirectory launch mbdyn sm_driver_1.mbd
- from the bin subdirectory launch ./ts_node
- rigid-mbdyn a NACA0012 airfoil is put in a freestream @ Mach=0.5 with AoA = 1.5°. the quarter chord is connected to ground by means of a "deformable displacement joint". In MBDyn the airfoil is a dynamic node with mass.
components to be executed (in this order): a) in fluid subdirectory: SU2_CFG mbd_config.cfg b) in mbd subdirectory: mbdyn ext_sm_driver.mbd c) in mbd subdirectory: ./mbd_node_ts ../config.xml ./foils/NACA_0012_100.dat (executable copied or symlinked from node-ts-precice subdirectory)