She was a very fast learner, had the most unique idea's, and was the most friendly of everyone. She has vanished from Discord, Github, and from her projects, and now they sit here, in peace, awaiting for it's owner to return to rebirth this amazing project.
A fun Discord RPG made in Python.
- Discord obviously.
- Python 3.5 or higher.
- Download the updated bot files to your PC.
- Go into "/XaosRPG/config".
- Open "config.json" with any text editor.
- Paste your Discord ID in "Owner"
- Paste your BOT Token in "Token"
- Go back into "/XaosRPG".
- Open your Terminal/CMD in the folder location.
- Type "python3" to run the bot.
- Enjoy!
- Open your Terminal/CMD
- Paste in "python3 -m pip install -U[voice]"
- Let it run.
- Join
- Contact Nishimiya#1531
- Be patient.