This collects twitter data based on geography and keywords, filters out spam accounts, then uses the Indico API for sentiment analysis and aggregates and maps the results.
#Streaming Twitter Data You can run in the command line and save the data to a text file. > twitter_data.txt
It is currently filtered by Seattle, but you can filter by topic or geography.
#Examples Check out the which shows how to parse the twitter data, filter out spam, call the sentiment analysis API and create maps with your twitter_data.txt. A small percentage of people have geolocation services allowed on their twitter accounts, but you will still get some good maps if you collect over a MB of data.
#Twitter API You will need to get your own access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret. Visit to set up your own app for free. Update the when you get these.
#Sentiment API The sentiment analysis is done with Indicio API. You will need to get your own API key. Sign up at You get 10 K calls for free.
#Install pip install the requirements.txt the only exception is Shapely, which needs to be downloaded from and then you can install the .whl with pip