- Blockchain for Client and Consultant Network
- Powered by Hyperledger Fabric
- Pre-requisites
- Get Started
- Industry Overview
- How industry operates / industry description
- Industry Problem(s)
- Current issues within network
- How Blockchain Disrupts Industry
- Problems solved
- Improvements to industry
- Peer Overview
- Defining Actors
- Defining Chaincodes
- Key components and Transaction Flow
- Actor & Chaincode Walkthrough
- Conclusions & Objectives
- Clone project
- Open root of project and run
yarn install
ornpm local
- Once installation is complete, run
- Open up port
Sogeti hires consultants (Assets) to offer to their Clients (Buyers). Sogeti then proposes SOW agreement terms & conditions to Clients who accepts / negotiates contract. (Need more details)
- Q: What happens when a contract is breached? What are the current procedures implemented?
- Q: Does Sogeti know their Assets are appreciating?
- Q: How do Sales approach Clients? Are there better ways?
- Consultant could be lying about set of skills or providing inaccurate asset information
- Clients could be stuck with a bad Consultant (Asset)
- Ask yourself: Who’s measuring their skills, and can we regulate the Consultants (Assets)?
- Clients could be problematic
- Consultants (Assets) appreciate in value via Skills, Certifications, Promotions, etc.
- Consultants (Assets) can be regulated & verified
- Cryptographic, transparent smart contracts that houses the business logic
- Contractual duties control transaction logic
- Services / Responsibilities must be met to fulfill contractual agreement
- Consultants (Assets) could regulate the Client (Buyer)
- Could be extended to Asset Subscribers or Renters
- Clients could be attracted to certain Assets, so consultant requests could reflect that
- Regulators could be represented as:
- Counselors (Assets) reviewing their Counselees (Assets) ⇒ Peer Review System
- Upper management / leads (Assets) reviewing the Consultants (Assets) ⇒ Governed Review System
- Regulating the Consultants (Assets) could allow for merit / demerit systems
- IBP Points could be given
- Confidential contracts could allow Sogeti to control different pricing agreements with different clients
- Price Agreement with Sogeti (Supplier) and Client (Buyer)
- Transfer of Assets