This repository contains the code for the paper "(NeurIPS 2024) One-shot Federated Learning via Synthetic Distiller-Distillate Communication".
- Python (3.8)
- PyTorch (2.4.0)
- numpy (1.24.3)
Run the following command to install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This step performs local training on each client first. The trained client models are saved and will be reused by all one-shot federated learning algorithms in later steps.
# bash
bash shells/
# python
python \
-c configs/imagenette/ensemble.yaml \ # config file
-dda 0.1 \ # dirichlet dataset alpha
-md ResNet18 \ # model name
-is 42 \ # seed
-sn Baseline_Ensemble_dir0.1_nc10 \ # save name
-g 0 \ # cuda id
-nc 10 \ # number of clients
--save_client_model # save trained client models
After performing local training, this step evaluates the performance of different one-shot federated learning algorithms.
# FedSD2C
# bash
bash shells/
# python
python \
-c configs/tinyimagenet/fedsd2c.yaml \ # config file
-dda 0.1 \ # dirichlet dataset alpha
-md Conv4 \ # model name
-is 42 \ # seed
-sn fedsd2c \ # save name
-g 0 \ # cuda id
-cis coreset+dist_syn \ # distiller distillation stage which is one of ['coreset', 'coreset+dist_syn']
-cmr train_results/Baseline_Ensemble_dir0.1_nc10_ENSEMBLE_Conv4_TINYIMAGENET_s42 \ # saved model path
--fedsd2c_ipc 50 \ # IPC
--fedsd2c_inputs_init vae+fourier # apply fourier transform perturbation
# bash
bash shells/
# python
python \
-c configs/tinyimagenet/dense.yaml \
-dda 0.1 \
-md Conv4 \
-is 42 \
-sn Baseline_DENSE_dir0.1_nc10 \
-g 0 \
-nc 10 \
-cmr train_results/Baseline_Ensemble_dir0.1_nc10_ENSEMBLE_Conv4_TINYIMAGENET_s42
The project is based on the FedD3 repository.