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Max Hooton edited this page Oct 13, 2020 · 1 revision


These can be used to add some variety to the gameplay. The flow will be more dynamic as players are not just walking around or using the UI. Since the gameplay mechanics are quite basic, minigames might make the game more engaging. Stardew Valley uses a similar system (fishing, saloon arcade games, etc.), and this seems to work well.

The minigames that have been (provisionally) already implemented are:

  • Blackjack - this does not affect the missions in any way; it's just a way of making some extra cash and having fun while missions are in progress.
  • Ship repairs - this was designed to make the repairs more interesting; there may be a cost of failing the minigame and/or bonuses to succeeding at it (for instance, your ship performs better on missions or you save money on repairs).

The additional, proposed minigames are:

  • Solar panel harvesting
  • Upgrading ship

These are all subject to change and may not be included in the alpha.

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