30 Days Leetcoding Challenge Solutions May Leet Code 2020
Link all solutions of Week 1 challenge
Number | Problem Challenge | Solution |
1 | First Bad Number | Swift and C++ |
2 | Jewel And Stone | Swift and C++ |
3 | Ransom Note | Swift and C++ |
4 | Number Complement | Swift and C++ |
5 | First Unique Character | Swift and C++ |
6 | Majoirity Element | Swift and C++ |
7 | Cousins In Binary Tree | Swift |
Link solutions of week 2 challenge
Number | Problem Challenge | Solution |
8 | Straight Line | Swift |
9 | Square | Swift |
10 | Town Judge | Swift |
11 | FloodFill | Swift |
12 | Single Element | Swift |
13 | Remove K Digit | Swift |
14 | Trie Prefix Tree | Swift |
Link solutions of Week 3 challenge
Number | Problem Challenge | Solution |
15 | Maximum Sum Circular Subarray | Swift |
16 | Odd Even Linked List | Swift |
17 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Swift |
18 | Permutation in String | Swift |
19 | Online Stock Span | Swift |
20 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Swift |
21 | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | Swift |
Link solutions of Week 4 challenge
Number | Problem Challenge | Solution |
22 | Sort Characters By Frequency | Swift |
23 | Interval List Intersections | Swift |
24 | Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal | Swift |
25 | Uncrossed Lines | Swift |
26 | Contiguous Array | Swift |
27 | Possible Bipartition | Swift |