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Algorithmically Assisted Metro Map Editor

This project is being made as part of my master thesis / graduation project at the TU/e as part of the algo research group.

Try it out over at the deployed site.

See the docs for a guide on how to use the editor.

Deploy it yourself


Ensure you have Rust installed. Then, install and enable the rust nightly toolchain for this repository using rustup toolchain install nightly && rustup override set nightly. Since this repository uses WASM, ensure the wasm target has been added to your rust install with rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown. As tailwindcss is being used, npm is needed. Once npm has been installed, run npm install -D to install the tailwindcss package. Lastly ensure trunk has been installed using cargo install --locked trunk.

Deploy locally

To deploy and run the editor on your local machine, you only need to run trunk serve --open. This will build the project, start listening on localhost:8080 and then open it in your browser. It will also watch for changes to the project files.


This project also contains code not necessary for the editor. This code is used for research as part of my master thesis. Any code that is part of this is locked behind feature flags and will not be compiled by default.


The first of these research items is the heatmap generation, which is used for research into optimizing the local search algorithm and making that slow algorithm faster and smarter. Enabling this feature flag during compilation and runtime will make the application a command-line program that will generate a json file in research_notebooks containing the heatmap data for the given data file from existing_maps. These heatmap data can then be used in research_notebooks/heatmaps.ipynb to generate heatmaps with placement costs for the stations.