- VirtualBox
- Version 5.0.x
- Vagrant
- Version 1.8.1
- If you are behind a proxy, you may need to install and configure the vagrant-proxyconf plugin
- Ansible
- Version 2.2+
- For Linux and Mac, install Ansible 2 via pip
- For Windows (unsupported), go through Ansible Documentation or this blog
Clone the repository to your local machine and enter the cadasta-platform directory. Run the following commands to access the virtual machine.
Provision the VM:
vagrant up --provision
SSH into the VM (automatically activates the Python virtual environment):
vagrant ssh
Enter the cadasta directory and start the server:
cd cadasta ./runserver
To add the Django debug toolbar, use ./runserver --debug
Open http://localhost:8000/
in your local machine's browser. This will forward you to the web server port on the VM and you should see the front page of the platform site.
See the wiki for details on loading test data.
Within the development VM, from the /vagrant
directory run:
py.test cadasta
To get coverage reports run:
py.test cadasta --cov=cadasta --cov-report=html
This creates a HTML report under htmlcov
. See pytest-cov docs for other report formats.
Do this:
vagrant box add dummy vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws ... vagrant up --provider=aws ...
Cadasta is grateful for the technical considerations and support provided by: