38 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Panama re-shuffle by @Caballero-Arepa in #74
- Update Simplified_Chinese.properties by @Jack1588 in #75
- Update Simplified_Chinese.properties by @Jack1588 in #76
- Update Simplified_Chinese.properties by @Jack1588 in #77
- Patch 3 by @Jack1588 in #78
- Fixed
ecotouristic hotel
tile unique by @Why-not-now in #81 - chinese by @Jack1588 in #80
- chinese by @Jack1588 in #82
- Update Simplified_Chinese.properties by @Jack1588 in #83
- Chinese translation of the city state part by @Jack1588 in #84
- Update by @Caballero-Arepa in #85
- Honduras joins the gang! by @Caballero-Arepa in #79
New Contributors
- @Why-not-now made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: Haiti...Honduras