Since I'm not working on this project anymore for a while now, I decided to opensource it because a reasonable amount of people are still interested in it. I hope that I can help some of you this way, please note that I am no longer maintaining this project. Also apologize me for the outdated tech stack that's been used, I did not know any better at the moment of coding ;-)
Yes, I also know that there are some passwords hidden in the code ;) They don't work anymore so what's the point in replacing them by placeholders anyway ¯\(ツ)/¯
- LightIRC chat generator
- Fallback to HTML5 on mobile devices
- Forced redirect to HTML5
- Gravatar Support
- IRCcloud avatars
- imgur support for image uploads
- Anope Cpanel intergration
- Register with your chat nickname
- Channel register
- recaptcha
- Easy to maintain
- Support for PHP 8
KiwiIRC has been added, flash will stop support at the end of december, so KiwiIRC has been added inside of Chameleon. KiwiIRC also has Support for gravatar avatars, please refer to the gitpage for kiwi-plugin-gravatar how to setup the plugin already build in.
This KiwiIRC version has filesharing build in. Check out official github repo for installation:
All others will work out of the box.
LightIRC has some licensekey's needed, for webcam support and a Red5 webcam server. Our licensekey's are not included cause they will not work on your domain.
Chameleon makes the use of jitsi-meet for cam support inside KiwiIRC. KiwiIRC can make the use of jitsi-meet's public servers, downside is that the access model won't be used inside the conference. Hosting your own jitsi-meet server with the patches kiwiIRC provides, the access model will be transfered to the conference Here's a how to: The patches:
Luna radioplayer also needs a licensekey bought on codecanyon. The player will play audio without a licensekey, but other functions will not work properly
Chameleon has full support on PHP 8. But since XML-RPC has been moved to PECL, be sure the xmlrpc extension is installed in your PHP enviroment.
- Anope Services running on MySQL and at least 1 encryption module has to be enabled
- Anope XMLRPC module and XMLRPC-main has to be enabled and working!
- lightIRC webcam module license
- Self hosted Jitsi-Meet for KiwiIRC conference or use jitsi-meet's public server
- Some license's for web radioplayers
- Red5 RTPM server for webcam via LightIRC (License needed)
- Gravatar plugin/server wich is connected to Anope Services
- ReCaptcha v3 Secret and Public Key for your domain
Installation is quite straight forward;
- Setup a database account
- import chameleon.sql to that account
- make sure that the webhost can connect to your anope datebase and put in the details in classes/Config.php
- edit classes/Config.php with your database details created above
- edit classes/Members.php to add your anope XMLRPC url so login and registering will work
- edit classes/LightIRC.php with your IRC credentials (replace with your IRC server)
- edit classes/LightIRC.php with your lightIRC license (LightIRC requires a license for webcams to work)
- edit classes/Config.php with your IRC credentials, webircgateway and jitsi-meet server
- edit register.php with the anope xmlrpc URL for registration to work properly (same with chanregister.php)
- Look for recaptcha in register.php and fill in the needs