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This is a workflow template for batch processing numerical weather prediction (NWP) data with the Model Evaluation Tools (MET) framework, and for batch processing MET output products for rapid plotting, forecast verification and diagnostics. These workflow tools are designed for use in the CW3E near-real-time (NRT) system and for research purposes. The repository is designed to run with an embedded Cylc installation using Micromamba with an automated build procedure for the Cylc environment and its configuration for this repository.

This repository is structured as follows:

├── cylc
├── cylc-run
├── cylc-src
│   ├── GenEnsProdMPAS
│   ├── GenEnsProdWRF
│   ├── GridStatBKG
│   ├── GridStatMPAS
│   ├── GridStatWRF
│   ├── preprocessMPAS
│   ├── preprocessWRF
│   └── vxmask
├── settings
│   ├── mask-root
│   │   ├── kml_files
│   │   ├── lat-lon
│   │   └── mask-lists
│   ├── shared
│   ├── sites
│   │   └── expanse-cwp168
│   └── template_archive
│       └── build_examples
└── src
    ├── drivers
    ├── plotting
    └── utilities

Currently this repository only includes workflows for producing a deterministic or ensemble-based analysis with the GridStat tool with further tool integrations pending.

Installing Cylc

Cylc can be run on an HPC system in a centralized or a distributed fashion. This build procedure will create an embedded Cylc installation with the configuration of Cylc inferred from the at the root of the repository. One should edit this file as in the following to define the local HPC system parameters for the workflow and source this to define the Cylc environment when running the workflow.

Workflow configuration

In the workflow configuration one should define the full path of clone

export HOME="/expanse/nfs/cw3e/cwp168/MET-tools"

NOTE: when sourcing this configuration the Unix ${HOME} variable will be reset in the shell to the repository. This is to handle Cylc's usual dependence on a ${HOME} directory to write out workflow logs and make them shareable in a self-contained repository / project folder directory structure.

One should also define a site-specific configuration to source for HPC global variables throughout the workflow and for the software environment to load for the model and DA executables.

export SITE="expanse-cwp168"

the settings for the local HPC system parameters are sourced in the file as

source ${HOME}/settings/sites/${SITE}/

New "sites" can be defined by creating a new directory containing a file edited to set local paths / computing environment. Example configuration variables for the workflow include:

export SOFT_ROOT= # Root directory for software environment singularity images
export SIM_ROOT= # Root directory of simulation IO for sourcing model outputs
export VRF_ROOT= # Root directory of simulation verification IO with MET and plotting utilities
export STC_ROOT= # Root directory for verification static data including obs and global model outputs
export MSH_ROOT= # Root directory for MPAS static files for sourcing static IO streams

Building Cylc

The Cylc build script


sources the configuration file to configure the local installation of the Cylc executable in a self-contained Micromamba enviornment. The Cylc installation will be built at


with the Cylc software environment defined in the file


sourcing a .yml definition file for the build. Sourcing the the ${PATH} is set to source the cylc-wrapper script


configured to match the self-contained Micromamba environment. Cylc command Bash auto-completion is configured by default by sourcing the file. Additionally the cylc global configuration file


is configured so that workflow definitions will source the global variables in, and so that task job scripts will inherit these variables as well.

The cylc-run and log files

The Cylc workflow manager uses the cylc-run directory


to install workflows, run workflows and manage their progress with automated logging of job status andt task execution within the associated run directories. Job execution such as MPAS / WRF simulation IO will not be performed in the cylc-run directory, as this run directory only encompasses the execution of the workflow prior to calling the task driving script. Task driving scripts will have work directories nested in the directory structure at ${WORK_ROOT} defined in the

Installing software

The installation of software dependencies outlined below can be performed on a shared system with the Apptainer (Singularity) software container system already installed.

Installing MET

MET can be installed as an Apptainer (Singularity) image from the DTC's provided Dockerhub image without needing sudo privileges on large-scale, shared computing resources. This is performed as with the instructions for building an Apptainer / Singularity container from a DockerHub image, using a tagged image from MET Dockerhub. This workflow has been tested with MET version 11.1.1, installing the tagged version 11.1.1 from DockerHub can be performed with either Apptainer (or legacy Singularity) as

apptainer build met-11.1.1.sif docker://dtcenter/met:11.1.1
singularity build met-11.1.1.sif docker://dtcenter/met:11.1.1

where the executable singularity image is the output file met-11.1.1.sif.

Installing additional libraries

Supplementary libraries for running these workflows are provided in additional containers or can be installed independently. The directory


contains .def definition files for building the following .sif containers:

  • MET-tools-py.def is the definition for the MET-tools-py.sif for containerized calls of Python libraries; and
  • convert_mpas.def is the definition for the convert_mpas.sif for running the convert_mpas MPAS postprocessing utility;

to be used in this workflow. The Python libraries can be alternatively constructed as a conda environment on a local system using the MET-tools-py.yml. This allows additional development of plotting and diagnostics and to add new libraries to the MET-tools-py conda environment, where the MET-tools-py.yml file is to be frozen to the dependencies in the currently supported main branch.

Running MET-tools Cylc templates

Substeps of the workflow are templated for different use-cases illustrating analysis of WRF, MPAS and CW3E preprocessed global model outputs. Utilities for preprocessing WRF and MPAS for ingestion into MET are included in this repository. It is assumed that operational model data such as ECMWF, GFS, GEFS have already been preprocessed as in internally standardized CW3E data products. All workflows below are templated in the cylc-src directory and are installable from there. New workflows can be similarly constructed by defining a workflow name and configuration, and installing and running this.

Generating Regional Landmasks for Verification

In order to calculate relevant verification statistics, one should pre-generate a landmask for the relevant region(s) over which forecast verification is to take place. Verification regions are defined as a subdomain of the ground truth grid. The following steps illustrate the process of generating landmasks.

Creating User-Defined Verification Regions From Google Earth

A variety of commonly used lat-lon regions are included in the


directory in this repository, which can be used to generate the NetCDF landmasks for the verification region. New lat-lon files can be added to this directory without changing the behavior of existing workflow routines.

In this repository, the user also has the ability to create custom verification regions from KML files. One can generate their own KML file for a region through Google Earth. In Google Earth, the "Add path or polygon" tool can be used to click points on the map to draw a custom polygon for the verification region of interest. Once made, the custom verification region can be exported as a KML file to the system for processing.

The naming of the KML file should be of the form


where Mask_Name is the name of the verification region. This Mask_Name will match the mask's short name in plotting routines, with any underscores transformed into emtpy characters when printed. Example KML files are located in the



The KML file must be converted to a MET-compatible polygon for use in the MET-tools workflow. This conversion can be done through the scripts


The script reads in a KML formatted file and convert its polygon geographic data to a lat-lon text file. The arguments required to run the script are defined in the configuration file

Similar to the KML file, the naming of the output lat-lon text files should be of the form


The formatting of the lat-lon text file should have the Mask_Name as the first line of the file. Each line after the first corresponds to a latitude-longitude pair defining the polygon region to be verified, with paired values separated by a single blank space.

Computing NetCDF Landmasks From Lat-Lon Text Files

A landmask list, which is sourced by the


defines a collection of landmasks / regions to perform verification over. A landmask list is a text file with lines consisting of each Mask_Name region over which to perform verification. Example landmask lists can be found in the



If a custom verification region is created using a KML file, running the script will also generate a landmask list text file. This landmask list text file will include the Mask_Name of each polygon in the KML file that was processed by the script.

NetCDF landmasks generated with the


script are written out to the directory


with ${VRF_STC} specified in the site configuration. The output NetCDF masks from this script can be re-used over valid dates that study the same verification regions and ground truth data. The script is called in the workflow by installing and running the workflow


with parameters for defining the reference grid and mask list to process in the flow.cylc file therein.

Case study / Configuration / Tool / Date Nesting

In the following steps, processing the data assumes a generic directory structure (which can be created by linking) for the input data and creates a consistent pattern through the outputs for internal data pipelines. It is assumed that at the ${SIM_ROOT} defined in the site configuration paths, simulation data is nested according to a case study / configuration directory structure. This matches the conventions of the case study example for running an ensemble forecast with WRF or MPAS. For example, in the path


the valid_date_2022-12-28T00 directory would be the CSE_NME variable in the templates, at which control flows such as WRF_9-3_WestCoast and WRF_9_WestCoast would have their simulation outputs nested. In the example above, the forecast start date is 2021-12-23T00Z and WRF model outputs are nested according to ensemble index in the wrf_model subdirectory.

Using the case study / configuration nested convention helps to procedurally generate the paths for batch processing multiple control flows with heterogeneous data simulataneously. For example in preprocessing WRF data, IO is templated as

IN_DIR = {{environ['SIM_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/$CYC_DT/{{IN_DT_SUBDIR}}/{{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}}
WRK_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/Preprocess/$CYC_DT/{{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}}/{{grd}}

In the above, this is designed for Cylc to distribute tasks to batch process data over:

  • {{ctr_flw}} -- configuration names;
  • $CYC_DT/{{IN_DT_SUBDIR}} -- forecast start valid dates / simulation output subdirectories; and
  • {{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}} -- ensemble member IDs.

The above template writes output data according to the nested structures

  • {{ctr_flw}} -- configuration names;
  • $CYC_DT/{{IN_DT_SUBDIR}} -- forecast start valid dates;
  • {{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}} -- ensemble member IDs; and
  • {{grd}} subdomains.

The corresponding preprocessed WRF outputs from the templates and exmaple above would be written to the two directories


For other models such as MPAS which do not utilize the paradigm of nested domains, these domain subdirectories are neglected, with model specific conventions included in their respective workflows. The templated output paths above can be changed arbitrarily, but note that the subsequent steps of the workflow also need to inherit IO changes.

Preprocessing WRF outputs

WRF model outputs may not be ingestible to MET by default and preprocessing routines are included to bring WRF outputs into a format that can be analyzed in MET. The script


takes arguments in the workflow


to produce MET ingestible forecast files from batches of data. This script uses the auxiliary module / script:


The module defines generic methods for ingesting raw WRF outputs in xarray to compute CF-compliant NetCDF files in MET readable formats. The is a simple wrapper that is called in the workflow to perform computation of CF-fields and optionally regridding WRF outputs to a generic intermediate lat-lon grid for analysis in MET. Workflows are templated for preprocessing outputs to be written to

WRK_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/Preprocess/$CYC_DT/{{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}}/{{grd}}

following the nesting conventions described above.

Preprocessing MPAS outputs

MPAS model outputs are not ingestible to MET by default due to MET's dependence on a lat-lon grid, and preprocessing routines are included to bring MPAS outputs into a format that can be analyzed in MET. The script


takes arguments in the workflow


to produce MET ingestible forecast files from batches of data. This script uses the auxiliary module / scripts:


The script utilizes the convert_mpas utility to transform the unstructured MPAS mesh to a generic lat-lon grid. This executable has been containerized for portability and can be built from the definition file included in the repository. The workflow scripts call convert_mpas from the containerized executable and wraps containerized commands with site-specific bindings. Following the conventions of the latest MPAS releases, static information can be sourced from a separate stream from the dynamic fields in MPAS outputs. The root directory of static files ${MSH_ROOT} can be specified in the site configuration, where it is templated such that if


then mesh static files will be sourced from configuration static files as

IN_MSH_DIR = {{environ['MSH_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/static
IN_MSH_F = {{msh_nme}}

These paths can be changed arbitrarily, and static information can be taken from MPAS simulation outputs directly if this is alternatively available.

The module defines generic methods for ingesting regridded MPAS outputs in xarray to compute CF-compliant NetCDF files in MET readable formats. The is a simple wrapper that is called in the workflow to perform computation of CF-fields for analysis in MET.

Generating Ensemble Products from WRF and MPAS

Once WRF / MPAS model outputs have been preprocessed with the workflows above, these preprocessed files can be ingested into GridStat directly following the instructions below, or these can be combined with the GenEnsProd tool in MET to generate ensemble forecast statistics files including mean and spread products. The script


takes arguments in the workflows


to produce ensemble products as above. Inputs for GenEnsProd are determined by the minimum and maximum ensemble index, their padding and their prefix, e.g.

ENS_PRFX = 'ens_'

will search for preprocessed outputs in subdirectories


and these naming conventions carry over to the outputs of GenEnsProd.

Outputs from GenEnsProd are handled specially by GridStat with switches included in these workflows for processing ensemble products and individual members respectively. Outputs of GenEnsProd are templated to be written following the directory structure


with additional subdirectories for subdomains therein.

Generating GridStat Analyses for WRF, MPAS and Background Operational Models

Workflows are provided for running GridStat on:

  • WRF ensemble member and ensemble mean outputs
  • MPAS ensemble member and ensemble mean outputs
  • Background operational global model products

Arguments from these workflows are propagated to the driving script


which utilizes the auxiliary module / script


to produce additional postprocessing of GridStat outputs.

To run GridStat, one must have appropriate gridded ground truth at the corresponding valid times and land masks precomputed for that grid. Gridded ground truth data is sourced in the workflows from the ${STC_ROOT} directory defined in the site configuration. Currently only CW3E preprocessed StageIV products are supported with further ground truth data sets pending integration. Global model data is also templated to be sourced from the ${STC_ROOT} directory as

IN_DIR = {{environ['STC_ROOT']}}/{{ctr_flw}}/{{IN_STC_SUBDIR}}/$CYC_DT/{{IN_DT_SUBDIR}}

where for example ECMWF precip data with a forecast start on 2022-12-23T00Z


can be sourced by including ECMWF in the control flow list and setting

IN_STC_SUBDIR = 'Precip'

in the workflow template. However, this input path can be changed arbitrarily as needed to source static (non-user simulation) data.

For WRF and MPAS, workflow switches are included to source data from ensemble members or from ensemble mean products as


Setting values to TRUE directs the Cylc template to create tasks for running GridStat on

  • the GenEnsProd ensemble mean product generated over the indices specified, e.g., with IO as
    IN_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/GenEnsProd/$CYC_DT/{{grd}}
    WRK_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/GridStat/{{VRF_REF}}/$CYC_DT/mean/{{grd}}
  • or the ensemble members over the indices specified, e.g., with IO as
    IN_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/Preprocess/$CYC_DT/{{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}}/{{grd}}
    WRK_DIR = {{environ['VRF_ROOT']}}/{{CSE_NME}}/{{ctr_flw}}/GridStat/{{VRF_REF}}/$CYC_DT/{{ENS_PRFX}}{{idx}}/{{grd}}

respectively, where {{VRF_REF}} is the specified ground truth. For example, an output path produced by the templates for a WRF mean product on domain d01 verified versus StageIV is


Raw outputs of GridStat include ASCII tables written to the work directories above, with naming conventions including the analyzed field, the lead and the valid time, e.g.,


The types of ASCII tables output are described in the GridStat documentation. For plotting and analysis in a statistical language, the workflow utilizes the module and the wrapping script to parse and aggregate the ASCII tables as Pandas data frames in pickled binary dictonaries with the stat table codes used as dictionary key names. For example, in the directory


the GridStat ASCII output files

grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_fho.txt     grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_cnt.txt
grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_nbrcnt.txt  grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_ctc.txt
grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_nbrctc.txt  grid_stat_QPF_24hr_240000L_20221228_000000V_cts.txt

are parsed and written into the binary file output QPF_24hr.bin where the table


can be called by the key name nbrcnt in the pickled dictionary. When there are multiple files of the same stat type but with different valid dates and forecast leads in the same directory, these tables are concatenated into the same data frame in the pickled dictionary under the stat key.

Additionaly, the directory contains the propagated GridStat configuration file template GridStatConfig_QPF_24hr that was utilized to perform the GridStat analysis generating this data.


Several templates are available in this repository for reading the above data frames and generating analysis visualizations with line plots and heat plots. Plotting templates are written as classes and subclasses in the base plotting module


which is added to the system path by the workflow configuration file

export PYTHONPATH="${SRC}:/src_dir"

The workflow configuration file furthermore provides wrappers for containerized plotting calls and the switch


sets plotting classes to look for IO paths at container bind targets rather than system paths. If the above switch is set to false, IO is performed relative to the system definition for ${VRF_ROOT}. Figures are automatically saved to a path


with additional options therein. Plots are optionally forwarded for interactive work visualization if the plot class instance attribute is set to

'IF_SHOW': True,

For interactive work using the containerized MET-tools-py environment, the workflow configuration defines a wrapper function for command line calls

# Define MET-tools-py Python execution with directory binds
MTPY="singularity exec -B "
MTPY+="${SRC}:/src_dir:ro,${VRF_ROOT}:/in_root:ro,${VRF_ROOT}:/out_root:rw "
MTPY+="${MET_TOOLS_PY} python /src_dir/"

# simple wrapper function for interactive shell calls of plotting scripts
mtplot() {
  echo "${cmd}"; eval ${cmd}

The mtplot function can be used to interactively call a plotting script utilizing the plotting class templates. In particular, the


script illustrates how to instantiate standard plotting templates from dictionary key / value pairs and how to generate a figure using class methods on the instance. Calling this script directly


can be used to test the plotting environment, and will generate a series of typical analyses for which the templates are currently capable.

Classes are templated using the attrs library with conventions for defining class intialization and validation discussed therein. Supported ground truth types, output statistics and their meta data are templated as dictionaries in the module. Class validators source these definitions to check for supported data / stats and their plotting labels, and new data types, data fields and supported statistics can be templated from the existing definitions.

Color bars for heat plots are templated for both of explicitly and implicitly defined levels in the submodule


The submodule defines the PALLETTE template to dynamically generate color maps as a function of the number of bins to be used. For example, pallettes defined as

'PALLETE': lambda x : partial(sns.diverging_palette,
                h_neg=145, h_pos=300, s=90)(n=x)
'PALLETE': lambda x: partial(sns.color_palette,
'PALLETE': lambda x: partial(sns.color_palette,

are templated in the module to produce a common API to call Seaborn color pallettes as a function of the number of bins. Typical color bars including labels, pallettes, thresholds / data range parameters are included in the submodule. New colorbar instances can be templated as in the templates provided.

Known Issues

On some systems, sourcing the file will not propagate workflow settings when running the Cylc workflow. If configurations are not recognized or if the is not being sourced correctly prior to running jobs, the


file can be modified such that the line

global init-script = """
    source ~/MET-tools/

is replaced with

global init-script = """
    source <FULL_SYSTEM_PATH_TO_CLONE>/MET-tools/

sourcing the configuration file from the full system path instead of the ${HOME} set in the configuration.

Posting issues

If you encounter bugs, please post a detailed issue in the Github page, with steps and parameter settings that reproduce this issue, and please include any related error messages / logs that may be useful for solving this. Limited support and debugging will be performed for issues that do not adhere to this request.

Fixing issues

If you encounter a bug and have a solution, please follow the same steps as above to post the issue and then submit a pull request with your branch that fixes the issue with a detailed explanation of the solution.


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