This repository is meant as a guide for using the alpine server at the University of Colorado Anschutz. This is meant to be a comprehensive resource on how to use the server, any contributions are welcome!
If you don't find the answer to your question in this repository, Alpine has incredible documentation. We will refer to this documentation throughout this repository. You can access the alpine documentation here.
Alpine is a Free server to all members of the Anschutz campus. Running jobs is entirely free and you can use scratch storage for the majority of your work. Each user has 10TB of storage in scratch, but all files on scratch will be automatically deleted 90 days after the date they were copied or created. If you want any permanent storage, that can be purchased on the peta library.
Alpine uses a slurm scheduler to submit jobs and manage user resources. In this repository, we will provide details about how to interact with a slurm scheduler.
All members of Anschutz must create an account following the tutorial here. This includes for creating an ACCESS-CI account.
To log into alpine, follow this link make sure you select "ACCESS CI (XSESE)" as your identity provider. Then enter your credentials.
This will take you to the welcome page for Alpine.
There are a few things to notice
- The quick links will be incredibly useful to you.
- A link to the status of the alpine cluster. This will include information about any problems or outages.
- A link to the user guide for alpine. This is an amazing resource for you to use if you ever have a question or need help. I will link to this resource throughout this guide.
- A link to a helpful Q&A site
- The email that you can use if you have any questions
- A link at the top to access and download any files that you have stored on Alpine or the Petalibrary
- A link to view your active jobs
- A link to start running a new terminal session
- A link to use interactive apps that are already installed. These include vscode, jupyter notebooks, and rstudio sessions
We will walk through most of these today.
To start with a terminal window, first click Clusters
at the top of the page and select >_Alpine Shell
from the drop down menu.
This will open a new window with a terminal
This terminal will give you access to all of your files and will allow you to run any type of compute job that you want.
NOTE this page automatically logs into the head or login node, you will need to start an interactive job before doing any sort of computationally intensive tasks such as installing packages, running scripts, or copying files
Most clusters have a head or login node. This is a gateway for all users to access the cluster. The primary functions of the login node are user authentication, job submission, and managing access to the compute nodes. Users log into this node to submit and monitor their computational tasks.
However, the head node is not designed for computationally intensive tasks. Its resources are limited and intended for administrative purposes and user interaction. Running resource-intensive computations on the head node can degrade its performance and impact the overall cluster efficiency.
Instead, you need to submit your computationally intensive jobs to compute nodes designated for such tasks. These nodes typically have higher processing power and memory capacity, ensuring efficient execution of parallelized and demanding calculations.
But don't worry, you can work interactively on the compute nodes to install packages and test pipelines, you just will need to start an interactive job first.
When starting an interactive job, you will request and acquire the necessary computing resources to perform your task. You, and you alone, will have access to these compute resources for as long as you requested.
Starting an interactive job is relatively easy. You just need to run the following command in the terminal.
sinteractive --partition=amilan --time=04:00:00 --ntasks=1 --mem=10000
Here is a breakdown of the command
- submit a job that is interactive, this will grant direct access to resources.--partition=amilan
- This is the partition to submit to.amilan
will almost always be the correct choice for partitions, but you can see other options here.--time=04:00:00
- How long do you want to have access to these resources? This example shows 4 hours. Pick a number that you think is reasonable, for example, I doubt you will be working 24 hours each day, so setting--time=24:00:00
is unnecessary and wastes resources.--ntasks=1
- How many nodes do you want to use? Generally for interactive sessions, 1 is enough.--mem=10000
- How much memory do you need? This example shows 10GB. Again, try to pick a number that is enough for your needs, but not excessive. 4000 or 10000 tend to be good options for interactive sessions.
For more information on interactive jobs, see the help pages
I sugesst running the above command every time you log onto the server using the approach described above
The command to initiate an interactive session on the cluster can be lengthy and challenging to remember. Luckily, there's a more convenient solution – you can streamline the process by adding an alias to your bashrc
What is a bashrc?
The bashrc
is a crucial file executed each time you start a new session on the cluster. Whether logging into the head node or submitting a job, this file plays a key role in configuring your environment. It allows you to pre-load packages, define shortcuts, and manage the visibility of items in your path.
We will be working with the bashrc
file thorughout this tutorial. Let's start by opening the file using the editor vim
vim ~/.bashrc
Note, the above command can be executed from any location within alpine (ie from any directory), this is because the file is always located in your home directory and the ~
is a shortcut for the home directory.
Additionally, the bashrc
is a hidden file. This means that if you look at your home directory in a directory or use ls
to view the contents of the directory, you won't see it. All hidden files start with a .
. You might have noticed these files when you copy contents of a directory to one drive (for example .DS_Store
shows up frequently).
Once you open the file, you will likely see there is already some text there. To get into editing mode, type i
Then navigate under
# User specific aliases and functions
and add
# Alias
alias interactive="sinteractive --partition=amilan --time=04:00:00 --ntasks=1 --mem=10000"
Here you are saying that you want an alias named interactive
. This means that typing interactive
in the future will be interpreted as the full command.
Remember, you can update this command to be the amount of time and memory that you would want most often.
Now exit out of vim
and save your work
+ :wq
+ Enter
To apply your changes immediately, run:
source ~/.bashrc
This is only necessary right now as from now on, any time you start a new session, this file will be sourced automatically.
To test that it worked type
An alternative to logging in through a terminal is to use VS Code
. VS code stands for Visual Studio Code and is an editor with many features.
To log in with vs code, go back to the main dashboard in your favorite web browser and select Interactive Apps
and choose VS Code-Server (Presets)
from the drop down menu.
Once you reach the VS Code page, select the number of cores and the length of time that you want and select launch
After hitting launch
, you may need to wait a few seconds to a few minutes for your job to start. When your job is ready, Connect to VS Code
will appear. Clicking this will take you into your VS Code session.
Once you connect, a blank page will open. You can start a terminal directly within VS Code by clicking the lines in the top left, and selecting terminal
--> new_terminal
Note starting a terminal in this way will open a terminal already on a compute node, you don't need to start an interactive session.
You can tell what node you are on by looking at the brackets before your cursor. If you see
[email protected]@login-ci1
You are on a login node - notice the login-ci1
after the @ symbol.
If you see
[email protected]@c3cpu-c15-u34-2
You are on a compute node. The node you are on won't always be the same but if you see cpu
or gpu
, you know that you are on a compute node rather than a login node.
Another huge benefit of VS Code is that you can edit files in an interactive editor and save the file directly to the server without using vim
Let's try this with the alias and open our ~.bashrc
First open a file with File
--> Open File
Then type
into the box that shows up at the top. You can type any full path into this box to see what youare doing. Once you have put in the path, click the file, and click open if a box appears
You can now edit this file as you would in any editior you've used before. When you save with cmd
+ s
, the file will be correctly updated on the server without any more work from you.
The Alpine Server is on a linux based system, so you will need to use specific tools to navigate
- list all files in a directoryls -ahl
- list all files and their information, including hidden files. Make the sizes human readablecd
- Change directory. Ifcd
is typed alone, you will move to your home directory~
, or you can include it with a pathcd my/new/direcotry
- Make a new directory. Usemkdir new_name
, new_name will be the name of the new directoryrmdir
- Remove a directory. Usermdir dir_name
will remove dir_name. Note, the directory must be empty. If you want to remove a directory with files in it, you will need to userm -r dir_name
- Move a folder or directory. Usemv original_follder new/path/for/folder/
- Print working directory, displays path of the current directorycp
- Copies files or directories. Usecp original_dir new/dir/path/new_dir
- Remove files or directories. These will be permantly removed so use with caution.touch
- Create an empty file. Usetouch new_file.txt
- Concatenate filescat file1.txt file2.txt > new_file.txt
- Show manual for a command. Useman ls
- Search text for a pattern. Usegrep pattern file_name.txt
If you don't have ssh access set up, you will need to transfer files using globus
Follow the instructions linked above to set up a globus account. Once the account is set up, visit this site and select ACCESS from the dropdown menu. Login with your ACCESS credentials.
The tutorial above explains how to install globus on your personal computer and then how to use globus to transfer files.
I find this to be quite clunky and tedious, so if you do lots of transferring, I recommend sending an email and requesing ssh acces.
Many packages and tools you will need to use have already been installed on alpine and you can access them through modules.
To view what packages are available, use
module avail
The available packages will appear on your screen. Hit "Enter" to scroll through them.
To use a specific package use
module load package_name/version
If you don't specify the version, the default version (indicated at (D)) will be selected.
Once you run module load package_name
, the package will be added to your path and you will have direct access to the package until you finish your session or you run module unload package_name
You only load the package into your specified session, so if you want to use it tomorrow or in a script, you need to rerun module load package_name
or add module load package_name
to your script.
If there is a package that you want permanantly loaded, you can add module load package_name
to your .bashrc
While many modules are available, sometimes you want packages that aren't installed or different versions of packages than what is available. One problem with servers is that you don't have root access, so installing many packages become difficult.
A great way to get around this is to use Conda
as your package manager. Conda
is great for many reasons
- Most packages you want are available from
- You don't need root access to install
or anyConda
packages - You can have many different envioronments so you can have different versions of the same package installed on your computer at the same time. For example, you can have
To start conda
module load anaconda
conda init
By default conda will install in the home directory, but there is not enough room. Instead it needs to install into projects.
vim ~/.condarc
And add
- /projects/$USER/.conda_pkgs
- /projects/$USER/software/anaconda/envs
Now when you create a new environment, it will point to the correct location
Information for chainging the base directory of installing packages with conda is here
Conda has great user guides that you can reference for help.
Once you have conda installed, you can start installing packages.
First, let's create a new environment
conda create -n test_env
Once the environment is created, you can activate it
conda activate test_env
To install packages, you can search for a package here. This will then give you instructions for how to use conda to install that package.
We can test this out with star
conda install bioconda::star
Type yes when prompted.
Notice now when you look for star, it is in your anaconda folder
which which STAR
/projects/[email protected]/software/anaconda/envs/test_env/bin/STAR
STAR --version
What if you wanted to install the newest version of star (2.7.11)?
conda install bioconda::star=2.7.11
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: -
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort.
- libstdcxx-ng[version='>=12']
Here, we get an error because it can't find a specific package. We can search for this package in anaconda and we find that it is in the conda-forge channel more info here
conda install bioconda::star=2.7.11 -c conda-forge
which STAR
/projects/[email protected]/software/anaconda/envs/test_env/bin/STAR
STAR --version
If we deactivate the envrionment, we won't be able to find star anymore
conda deactivate
which STAR
/usr/bin/which: no STAR in (/home/[email protected]/peta_active/bin:/opt/TurboVNC/bin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/curc/sw/install/vscode/4.16.1/code-server-4.16.1-linux-amd64/lib/vscode/bin/remote-cli:/home/[email protected]/peta_active/bin:/opt/TurboVNC/bin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/curc/sw/git/2.31.0/bin:/home/[email protected]/peta_active/bin:/opt/TurboVNC/bin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/curc/sw/anaconda3/2022.10/bin:/curc/sw/anaconda3/2022.10/condabin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/curc/sw/install/vscode/4.16.1/code-server-4.16.1-linux-amd64/bin)
This is also different than the star we see through the modules
module load star
which STAR
STAR --version
Sometimes you get errors when installing packages with conda.
- It will always try to keep dependencies satisfied, this means sometimes the default won't install the version of the package that you want.
- Sometimes it won't be able to install the package you want because of dependency issues. You sometimes just need to add a different channel, but other times you may need to manually install or uninstall some packages. An example of this is above.
Imagine having the power to submit multiple computing tasks, walk away, and return to find them completed. Welcome to the world of job submission using a Slurm scheduler!
Alpine uses a slurm scheduler. A scheduler makes sure everyone has equal access to compute resources and also tries to find the most efficient way to run jobs. This means that when a new job is submitted to the cluster, the scheduler will take into account the resources requested - the number of cores, amount of memory, and length of time. If there is a spot with this amount of resources open, and no one in line, your job will immediately be submitted. If, however, there aren't enough available resources to run your job, your job will be placed in a queue until the resources open up. This means that smaller jobs are more likely to run quickly than larger jobs because it is more likely that the resources are already available. Additionally, there might already be other jobs sitting in the queue. Based on your priority and your resources requested, your job will sit in the queue until resources open up.
How does the queue and scheduling work? The scheduler wants to ensure that jobs are run in the most efficient and fair way. This means that when there is a queue and some amount of compute resources open up, the scheduler will check queued jobs to see if any jobs will fit into the open slot. This means that your job will submit more quickly if you are asking for fewer resources. Let's say that someone sitting in the queue asked for 500GB of memory and you only asked for 10GB and 30 minutes. If 20GB of space opens up, your job will likely start running before the large job because your job will finish before the other 480GB of memory open up.
What is priority? Priority is determined by how much you use the cluster. If you have only run a handful of jobs on the cluster, your priority will be much lower than if you have run thousands of jobs. Your priority is based on the amount of compute time that you have used.
To check your priority, you can run
module load slurmtools # This only needs to be run once per session
levelfs $USER
LevelFS for user [email protected] and institution amc:
Account LevelFS_User LevelFS_Inst
amc-general 2.553437 0.696854
In the command above, I used the variable $USER
instead of typing out my full username. We also loaded the slurmtools module.
This will tell you your priority in respect to 1. Anything lower than 1 means you have a lower priority than the average user, anything higher than 1 means you have higher priority than the average user. In the output above, you can see that I have higher priority than the average user but Anshutz has lower priority than other institutions.
Is there any way to improve queue times? Hopefully queue times are never very long. Based on the amount of usage, sometimes the queue times can get longer. If this ever happens, trying to break up your job into smaller pieces will likely get each job through more quickly as you can take the small slivers of compute resources that become available rather than waiting for a large block of resources to open up.
How can I tell how busy the cluster is? To see the number of jobs that are currently queued or running
squeue | wc -l
Here only 600 jobs are running or queued so I would expect queue times to be short. In my experience with the resources available in March 2024, queue times get longer when there are over 1500 jobs submitted or queued.
To see how many of these jobs are running
squeue | grep "R" | wc -l
To see the number of pending jobs
squeue | grep "PD" | wc -l
Some of these jobs might be pending for other reasons - like the user has already requested the maximum number of jobs. To see jobs that are pending because of priority
squeue | grep "Priority" | wc -l
To summarize
- We are able to submit our jobs to the system and not need to constantly monitor them.
- Schedulers ensure that the maximum number of resources are used in the most efficient way possible that is also the most fair to all users.
- How long your job queues depends on the number of resources you ask for and your priority
- Breaking up a large job into smaller jobs can help your queue time if the cluster is busy.
Alpine already has a great introduction to submitting jobs This will follow the linked guide.
To submit jobs to the scheduler, you need to write a bash script. Bash scripts include several pieces
- Directives that are used to request the resources your job needs
- Your commands - these are the exact commands you would enter into the terminal
A basic script looks like this
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/test_%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
mkdir -p logs
echo "This is the first step"
sleep 60
echo "Finished"
The directives tell the scheduler information about the resources needed to run the job. The first line of the directive is the shebang #!
. This indicates in what shell you will be running your job. You will almost always wan this to be bash
The next directives are the sbatch directives and give information about the resource requirements. The possible flags are listed here
Some imporant ones to note
- This will almost always be amilan
unless you require extra time or memory, or GPUs rather than CPUs. The partitions are outlined here
- The amount of memory your job requires
- The amount of time you want for your job. I tend to overestimate this because once your job hits the time limit it will be killed regardless of if it finished
and mail-user
- Should emails be sent when the job starts and completes? Especially if queue times are slow this is particularily helpful if queue times are slow. You can submit a job and get an email when it starts, ends, or fails rather than constantly needing to check on that status of your job
- The name of your job so you can easily tell what each of your jobs is doing.
How do I decide what resources to provide? I generally start high for resources I request. This way the job won't be killed after running for a long time. Once the job has completed, you can check the efficiency of the job.
seff 5356672
Job ID: 5356672
Cluster: alpine
User/Group: [email protected]/[email protected]
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 14
CPU Utilized: 00:02:02
CPU Efficiency: 5.81% of 00:35:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:02:30
Memory Utilized: 6.12 GB
Memory Efficiency: 12.52% of 48.83 GB
This tells you that the job successfully completed, it ran for 2.5 minutes and used 6 GB of the provided 50GB. You could use this information to lower both the time and the amount of memory for the next run.
These are any commands that you would run in the terminal. Be sure to load any modules you need here. Generally, if you are following tutorials for tools you run in the terminal, any of those commands will go here.
Once you have written this script, save it someplace that makes sense with a .sh
Submiting jobs is easy. Once you have written and saved your script, you submit with
Once the Job is submitted, you can check to see if the job is running
squeue --user $USER
5402423 amilan test_job kwellswr R 0:09 1 c3cpu-c15-u1-1
This tells you information about your jobs. All jobs that you have running or queued will be shown here. This tells you the status, how many nodes were requested, how long it's been running or pending, and the cpu being used or the reason the job isn't running. If your job is in the queue, it will look like
5402423 amilan test_job kwellswr PD 0:09 1 (Priority)
Now that we know the basics of submitting jobs, we can now do our own analysis. Below are some example scripts for running an RNA-seq analysis. The job scripts below are also located in the scripts_folder. If you want to run the analysis, download the scripts to your own location and change the email user and path to the fastq files.
One quick note, to make it so we can actually run the below jobs in a reasonable time, I have made a very small fastq file. You will definitely need more time and memory when running on your own data. I recommend starting high and then finding a reasonable time and memory limit using seff
. I will put good starting points in the descriptions for each.
Recommended starting point - time = 6 hours, memory = 16GB
#SBATCH --job-name=fastqc
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/fastqc_%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
mkdir -p logs
# Load in modules
module load fastqc
# Update with the path to your fastq files
mkdir -p $outdir
fastqc $fastq1 $fastq2 --outdir $outdir
To submit, navigate to the directory containing the script and run
Recommended starting point - time = 6 hours, memory = 4GB
#SBATCH --job-name=cutadapt
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/cutadapt_%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
mkdir -p logs
# Load in modules
module load cutadapt
# Update with the path to your fastq files
mkdir -p $cutadapt_dir
cutadapt -m 20 \
-o $trim_fastq1 -p $trim_fastq2 \
$fastq1 $fastq2
To submit, navigate to the directory containing the script and run
Recommended starting point 60GB, 12 hours, 6 threads. Change the runThreadN
to 6 and #SBATCH --ntasks=6
. The amount of memory and time will vary significantly based on your sample and genome. A larger fastq file will likely require more memory, but if you have lots of short reads that are hard to map this will also take more memory even if it is a shorter file. Even a small file will require a lot of memeory if the genome is large.
Make sure that you have the correct genome as well. This needs to be a genome built with star. I will try to keep updated genomes in the /pl/active/Anschutz_BDC/resources/ref/indicies/star
directory, but I may not have the genome you need. If that is true, we can work to build an index.
#SBATCH --job-name=star
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=50gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/star_%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
mkdir -p logs
# Load in modules
module load star/2.7.10b
module load samtools
# Update with the path to your fastq files
mkdir -p $star_dir
--runThreadN 1 \
--genomeDir $genome \
--sjdbGTFfile $gtf_file \
--readFilesIn $trim_fastq1 $trim_fastq2 \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
--outFileNamePrefix $star_dir/
samtools sort ${star_dir}/Aligned.out.bam -T /scratch/alpine/$USER > ${star_dir}/Aligned.sorted.out.bam
rm ${star_dir}/Aligned.out.bam
samtools index ${star_dir}/Aligned.sorted.out.bam
To submit, navigate to the directory containing the script and run
Recommended starting point 8GB, 1 hour.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the appropriate strandedness. If you don't have the correct strandedness argument, you may be counting all of the junk reads rather than the real reads. Fortunately, it is easy to determine strandedness even if you don't know the library that was used. You can check strandedness by runing
. This requires a bed file that can be made from a gtf file. I already have several of these made under /pl/active/Anschutz_BDC/resources/ref/annotation
. For example, the bed file matching the genome we used here is /pl/active/Anschutz_BDC/resources/ref/annotation/mouse/GRCm38/bed/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.bed
Make a conda environment
conda create -n infer_experiment
conda activate infer_experiment
conda install conda-forge::mamba
mamba install bioconda::bedops
mamba install bioconda::subread
pip3 install RSeQC
If you need to make a bed file (the genome you are using doesn't already have a bed file made), follow the steps below. Replace the path to the gtf file with the gtf file you are using and the path to the bed file with the bed file you wan to make.
awk '{ if ($0 ~ "transcript_id") print $0; else print $0" transcript_id \"\";"; }' ../gtf/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.gtf | awk '$3 == "gene"' | gtf2bed > Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.bed
Now check strandedness -r /pl/active/Anschutz_BDC/resources/ref/annotation/mouse/GRCm38/bed/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.bed -i star/Aligned.sorted.out.bam
Reading reference gene model /pl/active/Anschutz_BDC/resources/ref/annotation/mouse/GRCm38/bed/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.bed ... Done
Loading SAM/BAM file ... Finished
Total 978 usable reads were sampled
This is PairEnd Data
Fraction of reads failed to determine: 0.2025
Fraction of reads explained by "1++,1--,2+-,2-+": 0.0327
Fraction of reads explained by "1+-,1-+,2++,2--": 0.7648
The top 1++, 1--, 2+-, 2-+ means that R1 mapped to the forward strand (1 + goes to +) The bottom 1+-, 1-+, 2++, 2-- means that R1 mapped to the reverse strand (1 + goes to -)
This result is reverse stranded and would use the -s 2
option with featureCounts
(more info here and here). If more reads were expalined by "1++,1--,2+-,2-+", you would set -s 1
and if the two were close to equal, you would set -s 0
#SBATCH --job-name=featureCounts
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/featureCounts%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
mkdir -p logs
# Activate conda environment
conda activate infer_experiment
# Update with the path to your fastq files
mkdir -p $featureCount_dir
featureCounts \
--extraAttributes 'gene_name,gene_biotype' \
-s 2 -p -B \
-a ${gtf_file} \
-o ${featureCount_dir}/s1_countsOutput \
To submit, navigate to the directory containing the script and run
Finally we need to make a count table. I have written a simple script that will take the featureCount output and make a count table.
Recommended starting point 1GB, 10 minutes. This is pretty simple and quick and won't need many resources. Note, if you want to run this to combine multiple samples, just include those other paths under -f featureCounts/file1_countsOutput,featureCounts/file2_countsOutput,featureCounts/file3_countsOutput
. This script does assume that you use this nameing scheme, ie all output of featureCounts is in a directory called featureCounts
and all files have sample_name_countsOutput
#SBATCH --job-name=featureCounts
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --output=logs/featureCounts%J.out
#SBATCH --partition=amilan
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
python \
-f featureCounts/s1_countsOutput