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Unit Tests

Unit Tests #123

Workflow file for this run

name: Unit Tests
shell: bash -le {0}
description: 'GitHub repo {owner}/{repo}'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'GitHub ref: Branch, Tag or Commit SHA'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'PR Number'
required: false
type: number
description: 'Input Test(s) to Run (default all)'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'Regex to filter test files'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'Run id for artifact to be downloaded'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'max parallel jobs'
required: false
default: '10'
TRANSFORMERS_DIFF_TESTS: "models/test_internlm,models/test_internlm2_5,models/test_xverse"
TORCH_2_5_TESTS: ",test_save_loaded_quantized_model,test_quant_formats,models/test_hymba"
IGNORED_TEST_FILES: ",,models/test_mixtral"
repo: ${{ github.event.inputs.repo || github.repository }}
ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ref || github.ref }}
group: ${{ github.event.inputs.ref || github.ref }}-workflow-unit-tests-${{ github.event.inputs.test_names }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# check-vm:
# runs-on: self-hosted
# container:
# image: modelcloud/gptqmodel:alpine-ci-v1
# outputs:
# ip: ${{ steps.get_ip.outputs.ip }}
# run_id: ${{ steps.get_ip.outputs.run_id }}
# max-parallel: ${{ steps.get_ip.outputs.max-parallel }}
# steps:
# - name: Print env
# run: |
# echo "repo: ${{ env.repo }}"
# echo "ref: ${{ env.ref }}"
# echo "artifact_id: ${{ github.event.inputs.artifact_id }}"
# echo "test_names: ${{ github.event.inputs.test_names }}"
# - name: Select server
# id: get_ip
# run: |
# echo "ip=$RUNNER" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "ip: $ip"
# if [ -n "${{ github.event.inputs.artifact_id }}" ]; then
# run_id="${{ github.event.inputs.artifact_id }}"
# else
# run_id="${{ github.run_id }}"
# fi
# echo "run_id=$run_id" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "artifact_id=$run_id"
# max_p=${{ github.event.inputs.max-parallel }}
# max_p="{\"size\": ${max_p:-10}}"
# echo "max-parallel=$max_p" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "max-parallel=$max_p"
# list-test-files:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# torch-2-5-files: ${{ steps.files.outputs.torch-2-5-files }}
# gpu-files: ${{ steps.files.outputs.gpu-files }}
# transformers-files: ${{ steps.files.outputs.transformers-files }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Codes
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: ${{ env.repo }}
# ref: ${{ env.ref }}
# - name: Fetch PR by number
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number != 0 }}
# run: |
# PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number }}
# echo "pr number $PR_NUMBER"
# git config --global --add $(pwd)
# git fetch origin pull/${PR_NUMBER}/head:pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# git checkout pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# - name: List files
# id: files
# run: |
# script="
# import json
# import os
# import re
# cpu_file_list = [f.strip().removesuffix('.py') for f in '${TORCH_2_5_TESTS}'.split(',') if f.strip()]
# test_files_list = [f.strip().removesuffix('.py') for f in '${{ github.event.inputs.test_names }}'.split(',') if f.strip()]
# cpu_test_files = [f for f in cpu_file_list if not test_files_list or f in test_files_list]
# transformers_diff_list = [f.strip().removesuffix('.py') for f in '${TRANSFORMERS_DIFF_TESTS}'.split(',') if f.strip()]
# transformers_test_files = [f for f in transformers_diff_list if not test_files_list or f in test_files_list]
# all_tests = [f.removesuffix('.py') for f in os.listdir('tests/') if f.startswith('test_') and f.endswith('.py') and f.strip().removesuffix('.py') not in '${IGNORED_TEST_FILES}']
# all_tests_models = ['models/'+f.removesuffix('.py') for f in os.listdir('tests/models') if f.startswith('test_') and f.endswith('.py') and f.strip().removesuffix('.py') not in '${IGNORED_TEST_FILES}']
# all_tests = [item for item in all_tests+all_tests_models if item.strip().removesuffix('.py') not in '${TORCH_2_5_TESTS}']
# gpu_test_files = [f for f in all_tests if f not in cpu_file_list and (not test_files_list or f in test_files_list) and f not in transformers_diff_list]
# cpu_test_files = [test for test in cpu_test_files if re.match(r'${{ github.event.inputs.test_regex }}', test)]
# gpu_test_files = [test for test in gpu_test_files if re.match(r'${{ github.event.inputs.test_regex }}', test)]
# transformers_test_files = [test for test in transformers_test_files if re.match(r'${{ github.event.inputs.test_regex }}', test)]
# print(f'{json.dumps(cpu_test_files)}|{json.dumps(gpu_test_files)}|{json.dumps(transformers_test_files)}')
# "
# test_files=$(python3 -c "$script")
# IFS='|' read -r cpu_test_files gpu_test_files transformers_test_files <<< "$test_files"
# echo "torch-2-5-files=$cpu_test_files" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "gpu-files=$gpu_test_files" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "transformers-files=$transformers_test_files" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "Test files: $test_files"
# echo "CPU Test files: $cpu_test_files"
# echo "GPU Test files: $gpu_test_files"
# echo "Transformers Test files: $transformers_test_files"
# echo "Ignored Test files: $IGNORED_TEST_FILES"
# build:
# runs-on: self-hosted
# needs: check-vm
# if: github.event.inputs.artifact_id == '' && !cancelled()
# container:
# image: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}:5000/modelcloud/gptqmodel:github-ci-v2-torch2.4.1
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Codes
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: ${{ env.repo }}
# ref: ${{ env.ref }}
# - name: Fetch PR by number
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number != 0 }}
# run: |
# PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number }}
# echo "pr number $PR_NUMBER"
# git config --global --add $(pwd)
# git fetch origin pull/${PR_NUMBER}/head:pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# git checkout pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# - name: Print Env
# run: |
# echo "== pyenv =="
# pyenv versions
# echo "== python =="
# python --version
# echo "== nvcc =="
# nvcc --version
# echo "== torch =="
# pip show torch
# - name: Install requirements
# run: |
# bash -c "$(curl -L http://$RUNNER/files/scripts/" @ 12.4 2.4.1 3.11
# uv pip install transformers typing-extensions -U -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# - name: Compile
# timeout-minutes: 35
# run: python bdist_wheel
# - name: Test install
# run: |
# ls -ahl dist
# whl=$(ls -t dist/*.whl | head -n 1 | xargs basename)
# sha256=$(sha256sum dist/$whl)
# echo "hash=$sha256"
# echo "WHL_HASH=$sha256" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "WHL_NAME=$whl" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# twine check dist/$whl
# uv pip install dist/$whl
# - name: Upload wheel
# continue-on-error: true
# run: |
# curl -s -F "runid=${{ github.run_id }}" -F "repo=${{ env.repo }}" -F "ref=${{ env.ref }}" -F "sha256=${{ env.WHL_HASH }}" -F "file=@dist/${{ env.WHL_NAME }}" http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/whl/upload
# - name: Upload to artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: dist
# path: dist
# torch2_4:
# needs:
# - build
# - list-test-files
# - check-vm
# runs-on: self-hosted
# if: always() && !cancelled() && ( == 'success' || github.event.inputs.artifact_id != '') && needs.list-test-files.outputs.gpu-files != '[]'
# container:
# image: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}:5000/modelcloud/gptqmodel:github-ci-v2-torch2.4.1
# volumes:
# - /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path
# - /home/ci/models:/monster/data/model
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# max-parallel: ${{ fromJson(needs.check-vm.outputs.max-parallel).size || 10 }}
# matrix:
# test_script: ${{ fromJSON(needs.list-test-files.outputs.gpu-files) }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Codes
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: ${{ github.event.inputs.repo }}
# ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ref }}
# - name: Fetch PR by number
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number != 0 }}
# run: |
# PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number }}
# echo "pr number $PR_NUMBER"
# git config --global --add $(pwd)
# git fetch origin pull/${PR_NUMBER}/head:pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# git checkout pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# - name: Print Env
# run: |
# echo "== pyenv =="
# pyenv versions
# echo "== python =="
# python --version
# echo "== nvcc =="
# nvcc --version
# echo "== torch =="
# pip show torch
# if [ -n "${{ github.event.inputs.artifact_id }}" ]; then
# run_id="${{ github.event.inputs.artifact_id }}"
# else
# run_id="${{ github.run_id }}"
# fi
# echo "RUN_ID=$run_id" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "RUN_ID=${run_id}"
# if grep -q "bitblas" tests/${{ matrix.test_script }}.py; then
# echo "BITBLAS=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# fi
# - name: Download wheel
# continue-on-error: true
# run: |
# file_name=$(curl -s -F "runid=${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}" -F "repo=${{ env.repo }}" -F "ref=${{ env.ref }}" -F "fuzz=1" "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/whl/download")
# if echo "$file_name" | grep -q "gptqmodel"; then
# mkdir dist || true
# cd dist
# curl -s -O http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/whl/${{ env.repo }}/${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}/$file_name
# ls -ahl .
# sha256=$(sha256sum $file_name)
# echo "sha256=$sha256"
# fi
# - name: Download artifact
# if: env.DOWNLOADED == '' && !cancelled()
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: dist
# path: dist
# run-id: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}
# - name: Install wheel
# run: |
# uv pip install optimum bitblas==0.0.1.dev13 parameterized uvicorn -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# uv pip install dist/*.whl
# if [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_quant_formats" ] || [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_perplexity" ]; then
# uv pip install auto_round
# fi
# bash -c "$(curl -L http://$RUNNER/files/scripts/" @ 12.4 2.4.1 3.11
# uv pip install typing-extensions numpy==1.26.4 -U -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# if [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_cohere2" ]; then
# uv pip install -U git+
# else
# uv pip install transformers -U
# fi
# - name: Check platform
# run: |
# ip=${RUNNER}
# echo "-----------"
# pip show torch
# echo "-----------"
# nvcc --version
# - name: Find suitable GPU
# run: |
# timestamp=$(date +%s%3N)
# gpu_id=-1
# while [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; do
# gpu_id=$(curl -s "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp")
# if [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; then
# echo "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp returned $gpu_id"
# echo "No available GPU, waiting 5 seconds..."
# sleep 5
# else
# echo "Allocated GPU ID: $gpu_id"
# fi
# done
# echo "STEP_TIMESTAMP=$timestamp" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES set to $gpu_id, timestamp=$timestamp"
# - name: Run tests
# if: ${{ (!github.event.inputs.test_names || contains(github.event.inputs.test_names, matrix.test_script)) && !cancelled() }}
# run: pytest --durations=0 tests/${{ matrix.test_script }}.py || { echo "ERROR=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV; exit 1; }
# - name: Clear cache
# if: failure() && env.BITBLAS == '1' && env.ERROR == '1'
# run: |
# rm -rf ~/.cache/bitblas/nvidia/geforce-rtx-4090
# echo "clear bitblas cache"
# - name: Release GPU
# if: always()
# run: curl -X GET "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/release?id=${{ github.run_id }}&gpu=${{ env.CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES }}&timestamp=${{ env.STEP_TIMESTAMP }}"
# transformers_diff:
# needs:
# - build
# - list-test-files
# - check-vm
# runs-on: self-hosted
# if: always() && !cancelled() && ( == 'success' || github.event.inputs.artifact_id != '') && needs.list-test-files.outputs.transformers-files != '[]'
# container:
# image: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}:5000/modelcloud/gptqmodel:github-ci-v2-torch2.4.1
# volumes:
# - /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path
# - /home/ci/models:/monster/data/model
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# max-parallel: ${{ fromJson(needs.check-vm.outputs.max-parallel).size || 10 }}
# matrix:
# test_script: ${{ fromJSON(needs.list-test-files.outputs.transformers-files) }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Codes
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: ${{ github.event.inputs.repo }}
# ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ref }}
# - name: Fetch PR by number
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number != 0 }}
# run: |
# PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number }}
# echo "pr number $PR_NUMBER"
# git config --global --add $(pwd)
# git fetch origin pull/${PR_NUMBER}/head:pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# git checkout pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# - name: Print Env
# run: |
# echo "== pyenv =="
# pyenv versions
# echo "== python =="
# python --version
# echo "== nvcc =="
# nvcc --version
# echo "== torch =="
# pip show torch
# - name: Download wheel
# continue-on-error: true
# run: |
# file_name=$(curl -s -F "runid=${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}" -F "repo=${{ env.repo }}" -F "ref=${{ env.ref }}" -F "fuzz=1" "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/whl/download")
# if echo "$file_name" | grep -q "gptqmodel"; then
# mkdir dist || true
# cd dist
# curl -s -O http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/whl/${{ env.repo }}/${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}/$file_name
# ls -ahl .
# sha256=$(sha256sum $file_name)
# echo "sha256=$sha256"
# fi
# - name: Download artifact
# if: env.DOWNLOADED == '' && !cancelled()
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: dist
# path: dist
# run-id: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}
# - name: Install wheel
# run: |
# uv pip install optimum bitblas==0.0.1.dev13 parameterized uvicorn -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# uv pip install dist/*.whl
# bash -c "$(curl -L http://$RUNNER/files/scripts/" @ 12.4 2.4.1 3.11
# uv pip install transformers==4.38.2 typing-extensions numpy==1.26.4 peft==0.13.2 -U -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# if [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" = "test_xverse" ]; then
# uv pip install tokenizers==0.15.2 -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# fi
# if [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_quant_formats" ] || [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_perplexity" ]; then
# uv pip install auto_round
# fi
# - name: Find suitable GPU
# run: |
# timestamp=$(date +%s%3N)
# gpu_id=-1
# while [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; do
# gpu_id=$(curl -s "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp")
# if [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; then
# echo "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp returned $gpu_id"
# echo "No available GPU, waiting 5 seconds..."
# sleep 5
# else
# echo "Allocated GPU ID: $gpu_id"
# fi
# done
# echo "STEP_TIMESTAMP=$timestamp" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES set to $gpu_id, timestamp=$timestamp"
# - name: Run tests
# if: ${{ (!github.event.inputs.test_names || contains(github.event.inputs.test_names, matrix.test_script)) && !cancelled() }}
# run: pytest --durations=0 tests/${{ matrix.test_script }}.py || { echo "ERROR=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV; exit 1; }
# - name: Release GPU
# if: always()
# run: curl -X GET "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/release?id=${{ github.run_id }}&gpu=${{ env.CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES }}&timestamp=${{ env.STEP_TIMESTAMP }}"
# torch2_5:
# needs:
# - build
# - list-test-files
# - check-vm
# runs-on: self-hosted
# if: always() && !cancelled() && ( == 'success' || github.event.inputs.artifact_id != '') && needs.list-test-files.outputs.torch-2-5-files != '[]'
# container:
# image: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}:5000/modelcloud/gptqmodel:github-ci-v2-torch2.5.1
# volumes:
# - /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path
# - /home/ci/models:/monster/data/model
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# max-parallel: ${{ fromJson(needs.check-vm.outputs.max-parallel).size || 10 }}
# matrix:
# test_script: ${{ fromJSON(needs.list-test-files.outputs.torch-2-5-files) }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Codes
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: ${{ env.repo }}
# ref: ${{ env.ref }}
# - name: Fetch PR by number
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number != 0 }}
# run: |
# PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.inputs.pr_number }}
# echo "pr number $PR_NUMBER"
# git config --global --add $(pwd)
# git fetch origin pull/${PR_NUMBER}/head:pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# git checkout pr-${PR_NUMBER}
# - name: Print Env
# run: |
# echo "== pyenv =="
# pyenv versions
# echo "== python =="
# python --version
# echo "== nvcc =="
# nvcc --version
# echo "== torch =="
# pip show torch
# - name: Download wheel
# continue-on-error: true
# run: |
# file_name=$(curl -s -F "runid=${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}" -F "repo=${{ env.repo }}" -F "ref=${{ env.ref }}" -F "fuzz=1" "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/whl/download")
# if echo "$file_name" | grep -q "gptqmodel"; then
# mkdir dist || true
# cd dist
# curl -s -O http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/whl/${{ env.repo }}/${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}/$file_name
# ls -ahl .
# sha256=$(sha256sum $file_name)
# echo "sha256=$sha256"
# fi
# - name: Download artifact
# if: env.DOWNLOADED == '' && !cancelled()
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: dist
# path: dist
# run-id: ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.run_id }}
# - name: Install wheel
# run: |
# bash -c "$(curl -L http://$RUNNER/files/scripts/" @ 12.4 2.5.1 3.11
# uv pip install -U intel_extension_for_pytorch typing-extensions bitblas==0.0.1.dev13 -i http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/simple/ --trusted-host ${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}
# if [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_quant_formats" ] || [ "${{ matrix.test_script }}" == "test_perplexity" ]; then
# uv pip install auto_round
# fi
# uv pip install dist/*.whl
# - name: Find suitable GPU
# run: |
# timestamp=$(date +%s%3N)
# gpu_id=-1
# while [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; do
# gpu_id=$(curl -s "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp")
# if [ "$gpu_id" -lt 0 ]; then
# echo "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/get?id=${{ github.run_id }}&timestamp=$timestamp returned $gpu_id"
# echo "No available GPU, waiting 5 seconds..."
# sleep 5
# else
# echo "Allocated GPU ID: $gpu_id"
# fi
# done
# echo "STEP_TIMESTAMP=$timestamp" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES set to $gpu_id, timestamp=$timestamp"
# - name: Run tests
# if: ${{ (!github.event.inputs.test_names || contains(github.event.inputs.test_names, matrix.test_script)) && !cancelled() }}
# run: pytest --durations=0 tests/${{ matrix.test_script }}.py
# - name: Release GPU
# if: always()
# run: curl -X GET "http://${{ needs.check-vm.outputs.ip }}/gpu/release?id=${{ github.run_id }}&gpu=${{ env.CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES }}&timestamp=${{ env.STEP_TIMESTAMP }}"
runs-on: self-hosted
options: --device /dev/dri --ipc=host
- /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path
- /home/ci/models:/monster/data/model
- name: Print env
run: clinfo