Flower is a IPFIX flow exporter designed to export variable IPFIX records.
Currently flower has two input plug-ins, file input and interface input. File input is the default choice and can be run using a command:
flower process <FILE>
To process data captured on an interface the input plug-in must be changed,
either by using --input_plugin
or -I
flower process <INTERFACE> -I InterfaceInput
Where interface can be for example wlp3s0
. Flower also has other options, such as:
that takes seconds as argument--active_timeout
that takes seconds as argument
Also, Flower can print all input plug-ins using command plugins
. If you
prefer configuration from a file Flower reads its configuration file from
standard locations. By default flower will try to open configuration file at
. The configuration file can look as follows:
# Flower config file
src = true
dst = true
src = true
dst = true
src = true
dst = true
src = true
dst = true
id = true
vni = true
src = true
dst = true
To print available plugins:
flower plugins
To print system plugins and plugins in current directory:
flower --plugins_dir . plugins
To process PCAP file with debug logging:
flower --debug process file.pcap
To capture and process packets from live interface with specific active and idle timeout:
flower process wlp1s0 -I InterfaceInput -i 15 -a 120
Flower uses libtins
so it needs to be installed in the system. Other
dependencies are downloaded using CMake's FetchContent
. Building and
installing Flower in project directory:
# In project directory
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Flower's input functionality can be extended by adding input plugins. To build
input plugin one needs implement input plugin interface. All structures and
types are defined in input.h
and plugin.h
. It is possible to add Flower as
a dependency into CMakeLists.txt
. An example CMakeLists.txt
of a plugin can
look as follow:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
project(dummy_plugin VERSION 0.1.0)
find_package(flower REQUIRED)
add_library(dummy_provider MODULE dummy.c)
target_include_directories(dummy_provider PRIVATE flower)
An example input plugin implementation can be seen in plugins/file_provider.c