AWS Resources: We use role based access control (RBAC) to manages users, resources, and contributions. Ask Camille to create an AWS user for you.
1. Pull down project
2. Run `npm install` if needed to install the project's dependencies
3. Develop!
4. Run `ember serve` to test the changes locally
5. Create a PR for changes
6. From the master branch, run `ember deploy development`
7. Application available at
Prerequistites are that you must have an AWS access key and secret access key.
1. Put the keys into a .env file in the root folder:
2. From the master branch, run `ember deploy development` to deploy the Ember app to the dev S3
3. Application available at
The Ember app uses AWS API Gateway to hit a python, lambda function in AWS that goes on to hit GoogleBooksApi.
The python code of the lambda function is the file, but to edit this code you must have AWS
credentials and edit it from AWS.
- Camille Williford
- Grant Anderson
- Logan Tillman
- Braden Martin
- Braden Butler