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CoCoder is an interview preparation platform and peer matching system where sutdents can find peers to practice interview questions together.

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Development Guide

Run Individual Services

To run services individually, refer to the README in each services' folder.

  1. Frontend
  2. User Service
  3. Matching Service
  4. Collaboration Service
  5. History Service
  6. Question Service
  7. Communication Service

Local Testing with Docker


Start up

From the root of the repository, run

docker compose up --build

View the webpage at http://localhost

Tear down

docker compose down

Local Deployment (Docker + Kubernetes)


Start up

  1. In user service, copy the .env.sample file to .env.test and set USER_SVC_DB_URI to the MongoDB Cloud database URL for user service
  2. In history service, copy the .env.sample file in .env.test and set HISTORY_SVC_DB_URI to the MongoDB Cloud database URL for history service
  3. From the root of the repository, run docker compose build
  4. Then run the bash script
  5. To setup the horiontal pod autoscalers: 3.1. Run kubectl apply -f to install the metrics server 3.2. Run kubectl -nkube-system edit deploy/metrics-server then manually edit the Deployment manifest to add a flag --kubelet-insecure-tls to deployment.spec.containers[].args[] 3.3. Run kubectl -nkube-system rollout restart deploy/metrics-server 3.4. Run kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/hpa.yaml
  6. Visit the webpage at http://localhost

Tear down

kind delete cluster --name kind-1


  1. Check that deployments are running
kubectl get deployment
  1. Check that services are running
kubectl get service
  1. Check that Ingress Controller is ready
  • May need to wait 1-2 minutes to be ready
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get deploy -w
  1. Check that ingress is ready
  • Wait for the "ADDRESS" column to show "localhost"
kubectl get ingress -w
  1. Check backend service logs

    1. Get pod name of service with kubectl get po

    2. Check logs with kubectl logs pod-name

  2. Check that the metrics server is running:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | findstr metrics-server


cs3219-project-ay2223s1-g61 created by GitHub Classroom






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