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Bathymetry tools

Code and tools to edit and manipulate ocean model grids and topographies.

Below is a list of included tools and short documentation for each.

Note: these tools support two types of vertical grids: MOM5 grids (with $2n+1$ values for an $n$-level model) and MOM6 grids (with $n+1$ values). It is important to select the correct type or the tools will produce incorrect results.

topogtools (Russ' Fortran tools)

usage: topogtools [--help] <command> [<args>]

Collection of tools to edit and manipulate ocean model topographies. See topogtools --help <command> to read about a specific subcommand.

Available commands:

  • gen_topo - Generate a new topography file from a bathymetry
  • deseas - Remove enclosed seas
  • min_max_depth - Set minimum and maximum depth
  • fill_fraction - Set cells with unsufficient ocean fraction to land
  • check_nonadvective - Check for non-advective cells
  • fix_nonadvective - Fix non-advective cells
  • mask - Generate mask

All commands other than gen_topo will add the following attributes to the depth variable in <output_file>. Except where explained below, these attributes will be copied from <input_file> if present, or otherwise set to the default values in this table.

Attribute Default Description
grid_type 'B' Arakawa grid type (B or C); determines advective connectivity between cells when counting seas in deseas, fill_fraction, check_nonadvective and fix_nonadvective
lakes_removed 'no ' Whether all isolated water bodies have been replaced by land
nonadvective_cells_removed 'yes' Whether fix_nonadvective has been applied (BUG: always 'yes')


usage: topogtools gen_topo --input <input_file> --output <output_file>
                           --hgrid <grid> [<options>]

Generate a new topography from <input_file> on the tracer points of <grid> and writes the result to <output_file>. Note that <grid> must be a super-grid.


  • --tripolar set this option if the horizontal grid is a tripolar grid
  • --longitude-offset <value> offset (in degrees) between the central longitude of the ocean horizontal grid and of the bathymetry grid (default '0.0')


usage: topogtools deseas --input <input_file> --output <output_file> [--grid_type <type>]

Remove enclosed seas from <input_file> and write the result to <output_file>, using advective connectivity rules set by --grid_type (B or C); if --grid_type is not specified, the grid_type attribute of depth in <input_file> is used, defaulting to B if that attribute is absent.

Sets the lakes_removed attribute in <output_file> to 'yes'. If --grid_type is specified, this sets the grid_type attribute in <output_file>.

Also creates a file showing how the seas are numbered.


  • --grid_type <type> Arakawa type of horizontal grid (B or C; default is B)


usage: topogtools min_max_depth --input <input_file> --output <output_file>
                                --level <level>
                                [--vgrid <vgrid> --vgrid_type <type>]

Set minimum depth to the depth at level <level> and set maximum depth to deepest in <vgrid>. <level> is the minimum number of depth levels (e.g. 4). These values are recorded in the minimum_levels, minimum_depth and maximum_depth attributes of depth in <output_file>.

Can produce non-advective cells.


  • --vgrid <vgrid> vertical grid (default '')
  • --vgrid_type <type> can be mom5 or mom6 (default 'mom5')


usage: topogtools fill_fraction --input <input_file> --output <output_file>
                                --fraction <frac>

Cells with a fraction of sea area smaller than <frac> will have their depth set to zero.

Can produce non-advective cells.

Can also produce new isolated seas - if this is the case, a warning is given and the lakes_removed attribute of depth is set to 'no '.


usage: topogtools check_nonadvective --input <input_file>
                                      [--vgrid <vgrid> --vgrid_type <type>
                                       --potholes --coastal-cells]

Check topography for non-advective cells. There are two types of checks available: potholes and non-advective coastal cells. B-grid connectivity rules are assumed. Aborts if grid_type attribute of depth in <input_file> is present and not 'B'.


  • --vgrid <vgrid> vertical grid (default '')
  • --vgrid_type <type> can be mom5 or mom6 (default 'mom5')
  • --potholes check for potholes
  • --coastal-cells check for non-advective coastal cells


usage: topogtools fix_nonadvective --input <input_file> --output <output_file>
                                   [--vgrid <vgrid>  --vgrid_type <type>
                                    --potholes --coastal-cells]

Fix non-advective cells. There are two types of checks available: potholes and non-advective coastal cells. If either is used, the nonadvective_cells_removed attribute of depth is set to 'yes'. B-grid connectivity rules are assumed. Aborts if grid_type attribute of depth in <input_file> is present and not 'B'.

Can produce new isolated seas. If this is the case, a warning is given and the lakes_removed attribute of depth is set to 'no '.


  • --vgrid <vgrid> vertical grid (default '')
  • --vgrid_type <type> can be mom5 or mom6 (default 'mom5')
  • --potholes fix potholes
  • --coastal-cells fix non-advective coastal cells


usage: topogtools mask  --input <input_file> --output <output_file>

Creates a land mask from a topography.


usage: float_vgrid [--vgrid <vgrid>]

Alter values in ocean vertical grid so they can be used with both single- and double-precision topography file.


  • --vgrid <vgrid> vertical grid (default '')


usage: topogtools min_dy --input <input_file> --output <output_file> --cutoff <cutoff_value>
                        [--hgrid <hgrid_file>]

Convert ocean cells into land if their y size is smaller than <cutoff_value>, expressed in the same units as dy in <hgrid_file> (typically metres).


  • --hgrid <hgrid_file> horizontal supergrid file (default '')



Converts test_topo.png to for use as a test input file for topogtools deseas. provides a GUI for hand-editing files, recording every change, and applying these changes to other files. This was initially copied from here, which is in turn an updated version of Alistair Adcroft's from here and is under a LGPLv3 license. For usage details, do ./ -h.

General Instructions


To compile these tools one needs:

  • Fortran compiler
  • netCDF-Fortran
  • CMake

Step-by-step instructions

domain-tools uses CMake for building and installation. Therefore the procedure to build the sources and install the executables is fairly standard:

git clone
cd domain-tools
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
cmake --install build --prefix=<directory where to install the tools>


An installation of these tools is available on Gadi. To use it, you need to be a member of group ik11 and load the corresponding module:

module use /g/data/ik11/spack/modules
module load domain-tools

If instead you wish to build and install the tools from the sources, you can follow a slighly modified version of above step-be-step instructions:

module load intel-compiler netcdf
export NetCDF_ROOT=$(nc-config --prefix)
git clone
cd domain-tools
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DNetCDF_Fortran_LIBRARY=$NetCDF_ROOT/lib/Intel/ -DNetCDF_C_LIBRARY=$NetCDF_ROOT/lib/ -DNetCDF_Fortran_INCLUDE_DIRS=$NetCDF_ROOT/include/Intel
cmake --build build
cmake --install build --prefix=<directory where to install the tools>