In this repo stake pool operators can register to become a member of the CNC Alliance. After you have become an official member your pool will be visible on
Disclaimer By submitting a pull request you agree that all the submited information will be made publicly available to everyone. Also, by submitting you agree that you fit the critera of the CNC Alliance set out below.
- Github Account
- Pool_id
- Stake address of wallet used for donations (Active & ISPO Pools only)
- Email contact address
- Pool must operate on a 100% renewable energy (note there are expections where this requirement can be substituted by following the current ISPO application route, find out more about this in our Discord and read the information below)
CNC has two tiers of SPO members - Passive members and Active members
Passive CNC members🌱 are required to run their nodes on 100% renewable energy. They do not have to actively participate in the group’s meetings and hence are not directly contributing to any projects of the group. Passive members are encouraged to join our Discord server and learn more about our ongoing projects and long term vision. We want to have as many pools as possible to act on climate change and promote making Cardano Carbon Neutral. On the other hand, if you do have time, we very much welcome pools to consider becoming an Active member. 👇
Active CNC members🌿 are required to run their servers on 100% renewables and donate to environmental causes pioneered by the CNC Alliance. Donations should be at least 85 ADA for the 1st block produced of an epoch and they should participate in the regular meetings on projects and contribute to the progress of the group and its initiatives, like the Cardano Forest project and the CNC Ala project.
ISPO pools are considered temporary Active members of CNC Pools participating and donating in the CNC Ala ISPO will be considered as offsetting their node energy consumption with their donations to the project, so they will qualify for active membership during this time. We also hope that many will continue to stay beyond the ISPO to run more pools on renewables and to fund more environmental projects.
Go to and login with your account.
Navigate to the CNC-Members registration Repo and fork it.
After the repo has been forked in your namespace click on the cnc-alliance-member-registration.json file
Click edit:
Add your pool information into the json list (use Copy-paste) from one of the other entries to copy the Json format easily.
Registration JSON Example:
- Remember to update the number counter higlighted in red below.
- Double check your commas syntax!
Please specify whether you are looking to join as an Active, ISPO or Passive member in the "membershipType" field
For Active & ISPO Members joining please add the epoch in which you joined the CNCAla ISPO (ispoEpochStart parameter) and the stake address (BECH32 format, donationWalletStakeAddress parameter) of the wallet(s) from which you are using to donate to our current Charity Project, for us to automatically track your donations. The ispoEpochStart will be 377 for all the pools which joined the ISPO from the beginning. If you have multiple wallets you donate from, use the following format for donationWalletStakeAddress: "donationWalletStakeAddress": ["stake1...", "stake1..."]
After you added all your information to the list click Commit changes:
Give a name and confirm. If everything is done correctly you should see that all Checks have passed, if it fails something probably is wrong with the format of your Json file. Just drop a message in discord and we will fix it together.
If you want to play an active role in this alliance, or just take part in Climate related discussions or just hang out with other like minded SPOs & Eco-friends, please join our discord: