Phoria allows you to easily and efficiently render islands of interactivity using React, Svelte or Vue within your dotnet web app (Razor Pages or MVC) using both Client Side Rendering (CSR) and Server Side Rendering (SSR).
- ⚡ Built around Vite, which means you can enjoy a first class development experience, lightning fast HMR and access to its expansive plugin catalogue and ecosystem
- 🏝️ Easily and efficiently render islands using any supported UI framework (or frameworks)
- 🌊 Client Side Rendering and support for multiple client hydration strategies via client directives such as on load, on idle, on visible and on match media query
- 🔋 Server Side Rendering of Islands within your dotnet web app (Razor Pages or MVC) views
- 📦 Easily pass props from your dotnet web app to your Islands
- ⚙️ Shared configuration between dotnet and Vite using standard dotnet
files anddotnet dev-certs
The quickest way to get started is to clone an example project using giget:
- React:
npx giget@latest gh:cmeeg/phoria-examples/examples/framework-react <target_dir>
- Svelte:
npx giget@latest gh:cmeeg/phoria-examples/examples/framework-svelte <target_dir>
- Vue:
npx giget@latest gh:cmeeg/phoria-examples/examples/framework-vue <target_dir>
You will need to replace:
with the name of the local directory you want to clone the example project to
Or feel free to choose any one of the other examples available.
Please see the Getting started guide for a complete guide to getting up and running with Phoria including how to add Phoria to an existing dotnet project.
- Getting started
- Creating Phoria Island components
- Phoria Island directives
- Building for production
- Deployment
The Usage documentation is a work in progress and will be expanded on in time. If there is something missing that needs clarification while it is being worked on, or if you have an idea or request for documentation, please raise an issue.
The idea for this project came about after using Astro and enjoying the whole experience with their implementation of Islands architecture. I began to wonder what it would be like to have a similar experience in dotnet where the back-end is driven by dotnet Razor Pages or MVC, but you could easily add islands of interactivity using modern UI framework components.
Looking at the existing dotnet ecosystem:
- Blazor allows for a component-driven UI architecture, but it requires buying into a completely different and much less mature ecosystem than those offered, and already embraced by, the wider UI development community
- Microsoft seem to have settled on recommending a BFF (Backend For Frontend) pattern for integrating dotnet with UI frameworks such as React, Vue etc - this is certainly a valid approach, but isn't always a good fit if you would prefer or have to use dotnet at the application layer instead of "just" to deliver APIs
Phoria's aim is to allow you to build a dotnet web application using the tools and libraries you are already familiar with on the back-end, but with the added benefit of being able to easily and efficiently render islands of interactivity using the UI frameworks and libraries you are familiar with on the front-end.
Astro is the primary inspiration for this project in both its conception and implementation.
The approach that the Remix team took to their Vite plugin and how they structure their applications is also a big inspiration.
This presentation and sample code by Ben Holmes (core maintainer of Astro) was the inspiration for using custom HTML elements in the implementation of Phoria Islands.
This project would have been significantly slower to get off the ground if it wasn't for the amazing work done by the maintainers of:
The initial idea was to just consume and use these libraries in Phoria, but the scope for Phoria quickly diverged and would have required submitting changes upstream that seemed at odds with the scope of these libraries. For example, Vite.AspNetCore
is focused on client-side rendering and NodeReact.NET
is focused (unsurprisingly) on React and uses Webpack.
Parts of their codebases are used in the dotnet Phoria library (with license attribution) and helped form a basis from which to build out some of the features that Phoria provides. So a massive thank you to the maintainers of these libraries!
Phoria also wouldn't be possible without: