This repository only contains this Readme. Your task is to build a tic tac toe react app using generative AI tools like ChatGPT or GitHub Copilot to assist you in every aspect of the process.
Before you begin working on the TO-DO, please take note of the following questions which we will be discussing after the activity:
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using generative AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot?
- What kind of task did you find worked well with ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot?
- What kind of task did you find did not work well with ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot?
- What is something you did not expect when using ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot?
Disclaimer You are should attempt each task, but there is no guarantee that ChatGPT / Copilot can assist you with it. If you find yourself stuck, you may move on or try a different task.
- Make a fork of this repository, work individually or as pairs
- Set up Boilerplate Create React App
- Implement the Core Features
- Write tests Write unit tests for your components and functions using a testing library (e.g., Jest, React Testing Library). Ensure that your tests cover edge cases and provide adequate code coverage.
- Write documentation Document your code, including component descriptions, function explanations, and usage instructions. This will help future developers understand and maintain the codebase.
- Write commit messages and push commits
- Make a Pull Request and write pull request descriptions
- Implement the Stretch Features
Display game board: Create a 3x3 game board using a combination of React components and CSS styling. Each cell of the game board should be clickable.
Player turns: Implement alternating turns for two players, X and O. Show an indicator (e.g., text or visual cue) to inform the current player whose turn it is.
Handle player moves: When a player clicks on an empty cell, mark it with their respective symbol (X or O). Prevent a player from overwriting an occupied cell.
Check for win condition: After each move, check if there's a winning combination (3 in a row, column, or diagonal) on the board. If a player wins, display a congratulatory message and highlight the winning combination.
Check for draw: If there are no empty cells remaining and no player has won, declare the game as a draw and display an appropriate message.
Reset game: Provide a button to reset the game, clearing the game board and resetting the turn indicator.
Player customization: Allow players to choose their own symbols or colors, making the game more personalized.
Undo/redo moves: Allow players to undo or redo their moves, enabling them to correct mistakes or try different strategies.
Game board size: Let users choose the size of the game board (e.g., 4x4, 5x5) to increase the complexity of the game.
CPU player: Create an AI-based CPU player with a basic level of intelligence for a single-player mode. The CPU player should be able to make valid moves and have some strategy to avoid losing.
Advanced CPU player: Enhance the AI-based CPU player to include multiple difficulty levels. Implement algorithms such as Minimax, Alpha-Beta Pruning, or Monte Carlo Tree Search to make the CPU player more challenging to defeat.
Write a test for NodeBB
Explain some code in NodeBB
Add comments to code in NodeBB
- React Documentation:
- Jest Documentation:
- React Testing Library Documentation:
- ChatGPT:
- GitHub Copilot: