Clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd vafdb/
Run the
script. This creates the vafdb
conda environment, initialises the database and builds the client program:
$ ./
To start the vafdb
server, run the
$ ./
VAFDB started.
To stop the vafdb
server, run the
$ ./
VAFDB stopped.
Once the conda environment is activated, the client program can be used:
$ conda activate vafdb
$ vafdb -h
usage: vafdb [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [-v] {command} ...
positional arguments:
generate Generate VAFs from metadata.
filter Filter VAFs and their metadata.
delete Delete VAFs and their metadata.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Host of VAFDB instance. Default: localhost
--port PORT Port number of VAFDB instance. Default: 8000
-v, --version Client version number.
Define a project:
$ python newproject example_project --references /path/to/references.fasta
The following arguments can be provided when defining a project:
positional arguments:
--references REFERENCES
Path of FASTA file containing reference sequence(s).
--description DESCRIPTION
[optional] Project description.
--region REGION [optional] Specific region to store. Enter in 'CHROM:START-END' format. Default:
All regions
--base-quality BASE_QUALITY
[optional] Minimum base quality for storing a VAF. Default: 0
--mapping-quality MAPPING_QUALITY
[optional] Minimum mapping quality for storing a VAF. Default: 0
--min-coverage MIN_COVERAGE
[optional] Minimum coverage for storing a VAF. Default: 0
--min-entropy MIN_ENTROPY
[optional] Minimum entropy for storing a VAF. Default: 0
--min-secondary-entropy MIN_SECONDARY_ENTROPY
[optional] Minimum secondary entropy for storing a VAF. Default: 0
--insertions [optional] Store insertion VAFs. Default: False
--diff-confidence DIFF_CONFIDENCE
[optional] Only store VAFs with a different base from the reference, above a
certain confidence. Default: None
To delete a project:
$ python deleteproject example_project
Create a metadata file, containing paths to BAM files:
$ cat metadata.tsv
sample_id site bam_path collection_date
E21294149D site1 /path/to/file.bam 2022-10-2
5523DEB355 site6 /path/to/file.bam 2022-9-3
FE3B496871 site2 /path/to/file.bam 2022-5-8
E2A89A963D site0 /path/to/file.bam 2022-6-5
99508919E2 site1 /path/to/file.bam 2022-10-1
Call vafdb generate
, with a project name, and the metadata file as an argument:
$ vafdb generate example_project --tsv metadata.tsv
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "E21294149D",
"task_id": "f13e7d1b-b4f6-40fd-890f-b100ca5b27ee"
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "5523DEB355",
"task_id": "ed9ba54b-e1a6-4613-b8f9-12a295544943"
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "FE3B496871",
"task_id": "a77bbf24-f243-498f-938b-d8c8db7ba3ab"
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "E2A89A963D",
"task_id": "851bf18c-53e6-4f47-90be-191f0d8aa976"
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "99508919E2",
"task_id": "88aa7765-847d-437c-abe1-744114577ebb"
Filter data via the CLI with vafdb filter
, and send the results to a file:
$ vafdb filter example_project --field reference chrom1 --field position__range 250,300 > vafs.tsv
$ vafdb filter example_project --field sample_id E2A89A963D > vafs.tsv
$ vafdb filter example_project --field position 500 --field collection_date__gt 2023-01-01 > vafs.tsv
Execute complex filtering via the python client API with vafdb query
from vafdb import Client, utils, F
# Initialise the client
client = Client()
# Send a query to the database
# This query asks for all VAFs on chrom1 across all samples
# where there was a C->T or T->C mutation above a confidence
# of 70% and with coverage greater than 50 reads
results = client.query(
& ((F(ref_base="C") & F(base="T")) | (F(ref_base="T") & F(base="C")))
& F(confidence__gt=70)
& F(coverage__gt=50)
# Convert VAFs into a Pandas DataFrame
df = utils.pandafy(results)
# Print the result in tsv format
print(df.to_csv(index=False, sep="\t"), end="")
$ python
sample_id ref_base base reference position coverage confidence diff num_a num_c num_g num_t num_ds pc_a pc_c pc_g pc_t pc_ds entropy secondary_entropy site bam_path
E21294149D C T chrom1 10029 361 91.69 True 1 14 1 331 14 0.277 3.878 0.277 91.69 3.878 0.226 0.677 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D C T chrom1 14408 613 86.46 True 1 74 0 530 8 0.163 12.072 0.0 86.46 1.305 0.278 0.275 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D C T chrom1 16466 199 90.452 True 1 15 1 180 2 0.503 7.538 0.503 90.452 1.005 0.239 0.529 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D C T chrom1 19220 124 99.194 True 0 1 0 123 0 0.0 0.806 0.0 99.194 0.0 0.029 0.0 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D C T chrom1 21846 516 94.961 True 2 7 6 490 11 0.388 1.357 1.163 94.961 2.132 0.163 0.904 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D T C chrom1 26767 1351 90.6 True 10 1224 5 33 79 0.74 90.6 0.37 2.443 5.848 0.251 0.702 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D T C chrom1 27638 110 91.818 True 0 101 1 4 4 0.0 91.818 0.909 3.636 3.636 0.225 0.696 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
E21294149D C T chrom1 27752 145 92.414 True 2 3 2 134 4 1.379 2.069 1.379 92.414 2.759 0.23 0.968 site8 /path/to/file.bam...
$ vafdb delete example_project E21294149D
<[200] OK>
"project" : "example_project",
"sample_id": "E21294149D",
"deleted": true