Icepack version 1.4.0 is being released with CICE6.5.0. This is a major release update from the Icepack1.3.4 release from September, 2023. This update includes the first of a series of updates to Icepack as a result of coupling into E3SM. Some of the interfaces have changed, some new parameters were added, the 5-band snicar shortwave feature was added, the frazil ice coupling was updated, and a bug was fixed lateral bottom melting term that doesn't impact science.
Major Changes
- Merge E3SM initial integration branch #460, #468, #469
- update dEdd shortwave and snicar including new hardcoded lookup tables, 3-band and 5-band options, and support for 'dEdd_snicar_ad' as a shortwave option. Add NO_SNICARHC to turn off large hardcoded 5-band data table during compilation to save compilation time. That table is only needed with shortwave='dEdd_snicar_ad' when snw_ssp_table='snicar' but is included in compilation by default.
- Update modal aerosols (Changes modal aerosol results in Icepack)
- Update public interfaces (Impacts backward compatibility)
- remove nspint public parameters
- add icepack_init_radiation, icepack_salinity_profile, icepack_enthalpy_mush, icepack_warnings_getall
- modify icepack_prep_radiation, remove scalar parameters (ncat, nilyr, nslyr)
- modify icepack_step_radiation, remove scalar parameters (ncat, nblyr, nilyr, nslyr, dEdd_algae, calendar_type, days_per_year, nextsw_cday, modal_aero), remove snicar table data arguments
- add Tf argument to icepack_compute_tracers, icepack_aggregate, icepack_step_ridge,
- Update icepack parameters, add hi_min, Tliquidus_max, snw_ssp_table, 'dEdd_snicar_ad' option to shortwave, 'constant' to tfrz_option
- Update the Tf implementation to make values internally consistent. Remove hardcoded Tocnfrz in a couple places, add tfrz_option='constant' which sets Tf to Tocnfrz. (Changes answers in some cases, can also change the value of temp in restart at non-ice gridcells even though the ice state is identical)
- Modify iDin computation in subroutine compute_microS_mushy
- Fix fhtan computation in compute_albedos
- Refactor internal subroutine arguments to leverage module data more
- Rename orbital interfaces from shr_orb to icepack_orb to more clearly differentiate internal and external versions
- Update some optional argument handling
- Clean up Icepack driver namelist logging
Bug fixes
- Fix bug in frzmlt_bottom_lateral to limit the amount of heat available for melting #474
- Generalize the logic for coupling frazil ice. Add namelist cpl_frazil and add update_ocn_f to icepack_parameters. #458
- Update the implementation of the rsnw interpolation in dEdd shortwave code, add new methods shortwave_search, add support for 5-band test data, and update the 5-band interpolation to be linear (Non-climate answer changing for shortwave='dEdd_snicar_ad', passes QC) #472
- Add icepack parameter tscale_pnd_drain, sets the timescale (in days) for macroscopic drainage when using mushy thermodynamics. #462
- Update picard_nonconvergence diagnostics #464
- Add readthedocs yaml for documentation building #466
- Remove unncessary call to icepack_recompute_constants in icepack_query_parameters #465
- Port to Perlmutter #467
- Update Derecho inputdata path #471
- Fix script bug in icepack.launch.csh #475