This is the initial version under the anaconda environment. There are significant features included
- ACME regridder
- corrections to the mass weighting algorithm
- corrections to the graphical output
- specification to levels and difference levels
- specification of color maps
- the classic viewer
command line to test the code:
diags --model path="/path/to/directory/called/model",climos=yes --obs path="/path/to/directory/called/obs",climos=yes --outputdir $HOME/diags_out --sets 5 --package AMWG --seasons ANN
use following file and create directory called "obs" and "model":
obs : http://uvcdat.llnl.gov/cdat/sample_data/uvcmetrics/obs/NCEP_ANN_climo.nc model: http://uvcdat.llnl.gov/cdat/sample_data/uvcmetrics/acme_lores_clm_climo/ANN_climo.nc