UV-CDAT 2.12
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.12
UV-CDAT is distributed via anaconda:
conda create -n uvcdat-2.12 uvcdat -c conda-forge -c uvcdat
Major changes in v2.12
New Analytics page
Ever wonder if you should answer yes or no at the "send anonympus usage report" question.
Well those who answer yes help us as seen here
Optimized vcs plotting
some internal object were never cleared lead to some memory leak
faster mesalib implementation: newest version AND LLVM implementation
Major Changes
CDMS: esmpy bug fixes with masking
CDMS: crosssection regridder now can handle gaussian grids with uneven number of latitude
CDMS: netcdf4 files can be edited
CDMS: Numpy 1.13 now supported
VCS: cleared all object leaks
VCS: streamlines are now evenly spaced by default
VCS: convenience function to load all mpl colormaps
VCS: getcolors return correct rgb values if string passed
VCS: Faster implememtation of mesalib (NOX)
Documentation: taylor diagram jupyter notebook
Documentation: cdms 101 jupyter notebook
Image/code galleries
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.10 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation.