Web Worker Manager - a manager to create and oversee web workers
Web Worker Manager is a small component that manages the creation of inline web workers with respect to what a given browser on a device can handle. It also monitors each web worker, reusing workers as needed or terminating them when they are idle and no longer needed.
The web worker manager is intended for browsers that support web workers ...
- Google Chrome
- Mac OS Safari
- iOS Safari
- IE 11
- MS Edge
- Firefox
- Samsung Internet
wwmanager has been tested on jQuery 3.3.1 but should work with jQuery 2.1 and 1.7
Just place before your closing tag, add:
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/wwmanager.js"></script>
Once loaded, wwmanager will attach itself to the currently loaded instance of jQuery and be available for use.
This is the function that is turned into a web worker. Right now, this is an inline function as seen in the tests and examples.
Each worker must have a unique identifier. This can be anything but it's recommended to make this something recognizable for development purposes.
If the worker needs data to function, it is passed through here. This is an object of the data the worker needs.
This is a function to capture the successful results of the web worker
This is the function to capture the result if the web worker fails.
$.fn.wwmanager(function(e) {
// this is the inline worker to be created
var worker_output = 'The worker heard: ' + e.data.msg;
{"msg": 'test message'},
function(resp,e) {
$('#out').append('<hr><div> success with single_worker script! '+resp+'</div><hr><br>');
function(resp,e) {
$('#out').append('<hr><div> fail with single_worker script! '+resp+'</div><hr><br>');
Copyright (c) 2018 C. B. Ash
Licensed under the MIT License
While this is my own pet project, I always enjoy getting suggestions for improvement here.