a simple, general package for mature coda code
currently you can only import the code from a local repo
├── config.yml # configure settings like paths or clusters
├── coda_tools/
│ ├── __init__.py # Makes the directory a Python package
│ ├── module1.py # A module
│ ├── module2.py # Another module
├── scripts/ # shell scripts for batch runs go here
│ ├── run_job.csh
│ └── setup_env.csh
├── tests/ # Directory for your test cases
│ ├── test_module1.py # Tests for module1
│ └── test_module2.py # Tests for module2
├── .gitignore # Files to ignore in version control (e.g., venv, .pyc files)
├── LICENSE # License for your package
├── README.md # Description of the package
├── setup.py # File to configure installation of the package
├── requirements.txt # List of dependencies
└── MANIFEST.in # Additional files to include in the package