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Philip Leo Pascual edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 2 revisions


SignatureDoesNotMatch Errors

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method

  1. If you're coming across a similar error, please check that your credentials match the ones in your confirmation email. Any spaces or additional characters will cause your request to fail.

  2. Check whether your ~/.aws/config file has a default region specificed. If so, comment out or remove the region field.

  3. Confirm that the IP address/range you've provided on the request form matches the machine(s) you're running the recipes on. If they don't match, please email [email protected] with the correct IP address/range.

(403) Forbidden Errors

  1. Confirm that your credentials match the ones in your confirmation email. Any spaces or additional characters will cause your request to fail.

  2. Confirm with the administrator (point of contact via confirmation email) that you've provided the correct IP/IP Range.

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