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Deployment Strategy

IanSeng edited this page Apr 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Details the deployment strategy, workflow and manual deployment process.

Deployment Strategy

To alleviate the task of manually deploying both of our application's frontend and backend, we have decided to automate the process by making a releasing cut every time when a pull request is being merged into the main branch. Since both frontend and backend are being deployed to Heroku with a free account, the application will put into sleep after every 30mins. Hence, the connection might be slow if the server is not being active for a while.

The backend deployment will be initiated if and only if all of the Django unit test are passed.

Manual Backend Deployment Process

Heroku Interface

  1. Login to Heroku
  2. Select branch to deploy
  3. Click "Deploy Branch"


Heroku login 
Heroku git:remote -a konnection-server 
Heroku create konnection-server 
git add .
git commit -am "Deployment"
git push heroku master

Manual Frontend Deployment Process


Heroku login 
Heroku git:remote -a konnection-server 
Heroku create konnection-server 
git add .
git commit -am "Deployment"
git subtree push --prefix client heroku main