A lightweight and easy to use entity component system with an effective feature set for making games.
// Components are simple structs.
struct Position { public int X, Y; }
struct Velocity { public int X, Y; }
// Systems add all the functionality to the Entity Component System.
// Usually, you would run them from within your game loop.
public class MoveSystem : ISystem
public void Run(World world)
// iterate sets of components.
var query = world.Query<Position, Velocity>().Build();
query.Run((count, positions, velocities) => {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
positions[i].X += velocities[i].X;
positions[i].Y += velocities[i].Y;
public void Run(World world)
// Spawn a new entity into the world and store the id for later use
Entity entity = world.Spawn().Id();
// Despawn an entity.
public void Run(World world)
// Spawn an entity with components
Entity entity = world.Spawn()
.Add(new Position())
.Add(new Velocity { X = 5 })
// Change an Entities Components
world.On(entity).Add(new Name { Value = "Bob" }).Remove<Tag>();
// Like components, relations are structs.
struct Apples { }
struct Likes { }
struct Owes { public int Amount; }
public void Run(World world)
var bob = world.Spawn().Id();
var frank = world.Spawn().Id();
// Relations consist of components, associated with a "target".
// The target can either be another component, or an entity.
// Component ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
world.On(frank).Add(new Owes { Amount = 100 }, bob);
// Entity ^^^
// if you want to know if an entity has a component
bool doesBobHaveApples = world.HasComponent<Apples>(bob);
// if you want to know if an entity has a relation
bool doesBobLikeApples = world.HasComponent<Likes>(bob, typeof(Apples));
// Or get it directly.
// In this case, we retrieve the amount that Frank owes Bob.
var owes = this.GetComponent<Owes>(frank, bob);
Console.WriteLine($"Frank owes Bob {owes.Amount} dollars");
public void Run(World world)
// With queries, we can get a list of components that we can iterate through.
// A simple query looks like this
var query = world.Query<Position, Velocity>().Build();
// Now we can loop through these components
query.Run((count, positions, velocities) =>
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
positions[i].X += velocities[i].X;
positions[i].Y += velocities[i].Y;
// we can also iterate through them using multithreading!
// for that, we simply replace `Run` with `RunParallel`
// note that HypEcs is an arche type based ECS.
// when running iterations multithreaded, that means we parallelise each *Table* in the ecs,
// not each component iteration. This means MultiThreading benefits from archetype fragmentation,
// but does not bring any benefits when there is only one archetype existing in the ecs that is iterated.
query.RunParallel((count, positions, velocities) =>
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
positions[i].X += velocities[i].X;
positions[i].Y += velocities[i].Y;
// You can create more complex, expressive queries through the QueryBuilder.
// Here, we request every entity that has a Name component, owes money to Bob and does not have the Dead tag.
var appleLovers = world.QueryBuilder<Entity, Name>().Has<Owes>(bob).Not<Dead>().Build();
// Note that we only get the components inside Query<>.
// Has<T>, Not<T> and Any<T> only filter, but we don't actually get T in the loop.
appleLovers.Run((count, entities, names) =>
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Entity {entities[i]} with name {names[i].Value} owes bob money and is still alive.")
// A world is a container for different kinds of data like entities & components.
World world = new World();
// Create an instance of your system.
var moveSystem = new MoveSystem();
// Run the system.
// The system will match all entities of the world you enter as the parameter.
// You can run a system as many times as you like.
// Usually, systems are run once a frame, inside your game loop.
// You can create system groups, which bundle together multiple systems.
SystemGroup group = new SystemGroup();
// Add any amount of systems to the group.
group.Add(new SomeSystem())
.Add(new SomeOtherSystem())
.Add(new AThirdSystem());
// Running a system group will run all of its systems in the order they were added.
// In this example, we are using the Godot Engine.
using Godot;
using HypEcs;
using World = HypEcs.World; // Godot also has a World class, so we need to specify this.
public class GameLoop : Node
World world = new World();
SystemGroup initSystems = new SystemGroup();
SystemGroup runSystems = new SystemGroup();
SystemGroup cleanupSystems = new SystemGroup();
// Called once on node construction.
public GameLoop()
// Add your initialization systems.
initSystem.Add(new SomeSpawnSystem());
// Add systems that should run every frame.
runSystems.Add(new PhysicsSystem())
.Add(new AnimationSystem())
.Add(new PlayerControlSystem());
// Add systems that are called once when the Node is removed.
cleanupSystems.Add(new DespawnSystem());
// Called every time the node is added to the scene.
public override void _Ready()
// Run the init systems.
// Called every frame. Delta is time since the last frame.
public override void _Process(float delta)
// Run the run systems.
// IMPORTANT: For HypEcs to work properly, we need to tell the world when a frame is done.
// For that, we call Tick() on the world, at the end of the function.
// Called when the node is removed from the SceneTree.
public override void _ExitTree()
// Run the cleanup systems.