This repo is actually more about learning angular than testing it and since I'm following a course I will be leaving the structure here so that you can see what's being done.
In this repo I'll be learning:
->The Basics (What are components, how does everything work and how are files connected to eachother)
->Components & Databinding (Two important key features, apps are built from components, databinding is simply how to output data or react to user events)
->Directives (Another key feature, learning about the built in directives and how to create my own directive. Directives are little helpers/templates you can use in your HTML code wich will perform actions at runtime)
->Services & Dependency Injection (Core feature of Angular wich makes it really easy to have different pieces in your app communicate with eachother to centralize code and to manage the stage of your app)
->Routing (Management of different URLs)
->Observables (Allows work with asynchronous code)
->Forms (Handling user input)
->Pipes (Feature that makes it easy to transform the output at runtime)
->Http (Connecting to a DataBase through a web server)
->Authentication (How it works in Angular)
->Optimizations & NgModules (How to optimize and manage different modules in your application)
->Deployment (Learn how to get the application from a local machine to a place in the internet where it can be viewed)
->Animations & Testing (This one speaks for itself)