A suite of jquery plugins for UI elements and image asset loading
There is another Angular version of these plugins being built here.
- jquery 1.7.1 is the current supported version that the plugins depend on.
- modernizr 2.0.6+ is a dependency for some plugins for safe css checking of min-width and min-height.
- text input field that grows as you type
- shorten text of long select input options
- dynamic image file loader
The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
You may use this free of charge, including commercial projects, provided that you keep the plugin files' comment block.
- write Jasmine BDD test cases to test plugin code.
- experiment with latest and oldest versions of jquery to determine what is supported.
- seek to understand why Modernizr helps with safe css checking of min-width and min-height to see if that library can be omitted.
- use jsperf tests to optimize js where possible.
- create a non-jquery version of these plugins.