Weatherstation with UDP server for "Digoo DG-EX001" and MQTT integration
Based on reverse engineering done by Mr Łukasz Kalamłacki: and further detailed by @matjon
Should work with any EMAX EM3371 rebranded weasther station
To build a weatehrstation app for a Raspberry PI utlisiing:
- Data supplied from a "Digoo DG-EX001" budget WiFi weather station
- Additional data from BMD180/DHT/BH1750 sensors
With the following features:
- Display output for non-headless setups
- MQTT integration to supply data to Homeassistant
- Listens for UDP packets from the Digoo unit (Sent via DNS override of the default SMARTSERVER.EMAXTIME.CN server address)
- Deciphers data and displays to screen via terminal
- Basic GUI running in its own thread. Updates may not be thread safe, but haven't seen any breakage yet