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âš¡ zBench - A Simple Zig Benchmarking Library

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zBench is a simple benchmarking library for the Zig programming language. It is designed to provide easy-to-use functionality to measure and compare the performance of your code.

(This is a fork of the original zBench repository. Check the Usage section below to see what's new. NOTE: this fork requires a version 0.12.0 compiler).

Install Option 1 (build.zig.zon)

  1. Declare zbench as a dependency in build.zig.zon:

        .name = "my-project",
        .version = "1.0.0",
        .paths = .{""},
        .dependencies = .{
    +       .zbench = .{
    +           .url = "<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    +       },
  2. Add the module in build.zig:

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
        const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
        const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
    +   const opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize };
    +   const zbench_module = b.dependency("zbench", opts).module("zbench");
        const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
            .name = "test",
            .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
            .target = target,
            .optimize = optimize,
    +   exe.addModule("zbench", zbench_module);
  3. Get the package hash:

    $ zig build
    my-project/build.zig.zon:6:20: error: url field is missing corresponding hash field
            .url = "<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    note: expected .hash = "<HASH>",
  4. Update build.zig.zon package hash value:

        .name = "my-project",
        .version = "1.0.0",
        .paths = .{""},
        .dependencies = .{
            .zbench = .{
                .url = "<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    +           .hash = "<HASH>",

Install Option 2 (git submodule)

On your project root directory make a directory name libs.

  • Run git submodule add libs/zbench
  • Then add the module into your build.zig
exe.addAnonymousModule("zbench", .{
    .source_file = .{ .path = "libs/zbench/zbench.zig" },

Now you can import like this:

const zbench = @import("zbench");

Compatibility Notes

Supported Version: As of now, this fork of zBench is tested and supported on Zig version 0.12.0-dev.2076+8fd15c6ca.


The main type in this library is the Benchmark which contains the state for a single benchmark at any given time. A single instance can (and should) run several benchmarks, just not concurrently. You can make use of the timing functionality in Benchmark to get timings directly, or you can pass a bench-runner to the run function. The latter is the simplest, and fits most usecases. Here are some examples:

Standalone function

The simplest case is when you wish to benchmark a standalone function

fn myBenchRunner() void {
    // Code to benchmark here

You can then run your benchmarks in either a test, or main as an executable. The latter is preferable as tests can generate noise and obscure the benchmark output. Next we instantiate a Benchmark instance.

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const second: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const bench_iterations: u64 = 128;

    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init(second, bench_iterations, gpa.allocator());
    defer bench.deinit();

The first argument to init is an estimate in nanoseconds for the maximum amount of time we are willing to wait for any given benchmark to finish, the second argument is the maximum number of repetitions or runs for each benchmark. Now to perform the benchmark we pass myBenchRunner to, and the name of our benchmark. The complete example looks like this:

const std = @import("std");
const zbench = @import("zbench");

fn myBenchRunner() void {
    // Code to benchmark here

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};

    const second: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const bench_iterations: u64 = 128;

    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init(second, bench_iterations, gpa.allocator());
    defer bench.deinit();

    const bench_result = try, "Hello bench");
    try bench_result.prettyPrint(true);
} returns a BenchmarkResult which can be pretty-printed (more parsing functionality may be added in the future):

benchmark                 runs     time (avg ± σ)         (min ............. max)      p75        p99        p995
Hello bench               128      8.806µs ± 67.0ns       (8.351µs ... 9.185µs)        8.813µs    9.31µs     9.185µs

If myBenchRunner needs to allocate we could have declared std.mem.Allocator as a parameter:

fn myBenchRunner(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
    // Code to benchmark here

Aggregate runner

In most cases we want to first set up some state relevant to the benchmark, but we aren't interested in benchmarking the state setup code. You can use an aggregate runner (ie. struct) to split such initialisation from run code:

const std = @import("std");
const zbench = @import("zbench");

const StructRunner = struct {
    const Self = @This();

    nums: [10]u64,

    pub fn init(_: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
        return Self { .nums = .{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} };

    pub fn run(self: *Self) void {
        var i: usize = 1;
        while (i < self.nums.len) : (i += 1) {
            self.nums[i] += self.nums[i-1];

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};

    const second: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const bench_iterations: u64 = 128;

    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init(second, bench_iterations, gpa.allocator());
    defer bench.deinit();

    const bench_result = try, "Cumulative sum?");
    try bench_result.prettyPrint(true);

Now instead of a standalone function our runner is a struct with the methods init and run. It's free to have other methods as well, but it must include those two. The run function must take either Self or *Self, and the init function must take std.mem.Allocator.

Aggregate runner with cleanup

If your runner has to do some form of cleanup such as de-allocating memory, you can additionally declare a deinit method. Lets write a runner for benchmarking the append-function of the standard library ArrayList. In this case we aren't interested in re-allocating, so we will pre-allocate the space we need:

const std = @import("std");
const zbench = @import("zbench");

const StructRunner = struct {
    const Self = @This();

    list: std.ArrayList(usize),
    alloc: std.mem.Allocator,

    pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
        return Self {
            .list = try std.ArrayList(usize).initCapacity(alloc, 512),
            .alloc = alloc,

    pub fn run(self: *Self) void {
        for (0..512) |i| self.list.append(i) catch @panic("Append failed!");

    pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { self.list.deinit(); }

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};

    const second: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const bench_iterations: u64 = 128;

    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init(second, bench_iterations, gpa.allocator());
    defer bench.deinit();

    const bench_result = try, "ArrayList append");
    try bench_result.prettyPrint(true);

Note that we can't return errors from run, so any errors that occur must be handled immediately and can't be propagated.

Aggregate runner with reset

In order to prevent dependance, Benchmark creates a new instance of StructRunner between every benchmarking run (this doesn't ensure independance however, you can still write/read from global variables in your run for example). This involves initing and deiniting every instance between every run, which involves memory allocations. In this case (and a lot of cases) that causes easely avoidable slowdowns of our benchmarks. To avoid this we can additionally declare a reset method for our runner that resets the state, here's how that would look like for the above runner:

const StructRunner = struct {
    const Self = @This();

    list: std.ArrayList(usize),
    alloc: std.mem.Allocator,

    pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
        return Self {
            .list = try std.ArrayList(usize).initCapacity(alloc, 512),
            .alloc = alloc,

    pub fn run(self: *Self) void {
        for (0..512) |i| self.list.append(i) catch @panic("Append failed!");

+   pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
+       self.list.clearRetainingCapacity();
+   }

    pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { self.list.deinit(); }

Now reset is instead called for every benchmark-run, and init/deinit are only called once at the start and end of the benchmark respectively.

Running and printing multiple benchmarks

You can print multiple results by use the convenience-function zbench.prettyPrintResults or just printing them in a for-loop without the header. Here's the sleep.zig example:

const std = @import("std");
const zbench = @import("zbench");

fn sleepyFirstRunner(_: std.mem.Allocator) void {

fn sleepySecondRunner(_: std.mem.Allocator) void {

fn sleepyThirdRunner(_: std.mem.Allocator) void {

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};

    const second: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const bench_iterations: u64 = 128;

    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init(second, bench_iterations, gpa.allocator());
    defer bench.deinit();

    const result1 = try, "Sleepy-first bench");
    const result2 = try, "Sleepy-second bench");
    const result3 = try, "Sleepy-third bench");

    try zbench.prettyPrintResults(&.{result1, result2, result3}, true);
benchmark                 runs     time (avg ± σ)         (min ............. max)      p75        p99        p995      
Sleepy-first bench        128      161.812µs ± 46.419µs   (157.87µs ... 682.646µs)     157.846µs  170.807µs  682.646µs 
Sleepy-second bench       128      1.237ms ± 89.535µs     (1.58ms ... 1.925ms)         1.243ms    1.752ms    1.925ms   
Sleepy-third bench        98       10.259ms ± 161.244µs   (10.78ms ... 11.558ms)       10.248ms   11.558ms   11.558ms

Check out the linked_list example for how to use zig's comptime to neatly run multiple benchmarks.

Using the timing functionality in Benchmark directly


Benchmark Runners

Benchmark runners must be one of either

  • Standalone function with either of the following signature/function type

    • fn (std.mem.Allocator) void
    • fn () void
  • Aggregate (Struct/Union/Enum) with following associated methods

    • pub fn init(std.mem.Allocator) !Self : (Required)
    • pub fn run(Self) void : (Required)
    • pub fn deinit(Self) void : (Optional)
    • pub fn reset(Self) void : (Optional)

The function signatures must match, but *Self instead of Self also works for the above methods

Reporting Benchmarks

zBench provides a comprehensive report for each benchmark run. It includes the total operations performed, the average, min, and max durations of operations, and the percentile distribution (p75, p99, p995) of operation durations.

benchmark                 runs     time (avg ± σ)         (min ............. max)      p75        p99        p995
Hello bench               128      8.806µs ± 67.0ns       (8.351µs ... 9.185µs)        8.813µs    9.31µs     9.185µs

This example report indicates that the benchmark "benchmarkMyFunction" was run with an average time of 8.806 µs with standard deviation 67.0 ns per operation. The minimum and maximum operation times were 8.351µs and 9.185µs, respectively. The 75th, 99th, and 99.5th percentiles of operation durations were 8.813µs, 9.31µs, 9.185µs, respectively.

Running zBench Examples and Tests

You can compile all examples with the following command:

zig build examples

The binaries are placed by default in ./zBench/zig-out/bin/

You can run all tests with

zig build test


If Zig doesn't detect changes in a dependency, clear the project's zig-cache folder and ~/.cache/zig.


The main purpose of this repository is to continue to evolve zBench, making it faster and more efficient. We are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving zBench.

Contributing Guide

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to zBench.


zBench is MIT licensed.


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