Please go to Auto-Il2CppDumper by AdnixSH for future update
This is for helping you get dump.cs from Android Il2cpp game
This project is modifying version of Riru-Il2cppDumper
Credit : Perfare
- Fix error in version 2020.2.0f1 and up
- Migrate from kotlin -> java
- Migrate from cmake-build -> ndk-build [enhancement from #1]
- change unity version in Includes/il2cpp_dump.h with your game unity version
- if the unity version is 2018.3.0f2 and above please define VersionAboveV24
- if the unity version is 2020.2.0f1 and above please define VersionAbove2020V2
- Build with Android Studio
- Decompile the game
- copy result into decompiled lib folder apk
- search the "main" activity of the game
- put this on onCreate function
const-string v0, "native-lib"
invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V
- re-compile and run it
- once the dump complete it will auto generate dump.cs in /sdcard/Download