A performant no-limit Texas Hold'em poker simulator in C++11, with a framework for writing intelligent agents.
To compile the core game engine and its static library, and test suite, make core
To compile agents, make agents
To compile and run the test suite, make test
Or just run make
From the root directory, run a minimalistic command line interface with ./bin/console_main
From core/src/ConsoleMain.cc
// Create a no limit game with static blinds at 10/20
Game game(10, 20);
// Add a listener that logs game events to stdout
std::shared_ptr<LoggerEventListener> listener(new LoggerEventListener());
// Add some players to the game, human vs computer.
std::shared_ptr<HumanAgent> human(new HumanAgent());
std::shared_ptr<RandomAgent> bot0(new RandomAgent());
std::shared_ptr<RandomAgent> bot1(new RandomAgent());
std::shared_ptr<RandomAgent> bot2(new RandomAgent());
// Each starts with 1000 chips.
game.addPlayer(human, "human", 1000);
game.addPlayer(bot0, "bot0", 1000);
game.addPlayer(bot1, "bot1", 1000);
game.addPlayer(bot2, "bot2", 1000);
// play until one player wins all the chips
To build the GUI in ui/
, you will need Qt5 and either OS X or linux.
Just derive from core/inc/Agent.h
and implement its virtual methods
// Called once at the beginning of each Hand in which this Agent is
// participating.
virtual void receiveHoleCards(const std::pair<Card, Card> hc) = 0;
// Called every time it's this Agent's turn to act. Return an Action,
// which contains the type of action and an amount.
virtual Action act(const GameView &view) = 0;
// Called at the end of every hand. history contains the sequence of
// Actions that made up the hand, sorted in chronological order, ie
// most recent Action at the back.
virtual void receiveHandHistory(const HandHistory &history) = 0;