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collectors DarnerCollector

Rob Smith edited this page Sep 16, 2014 · 1 revision


Collect darner stats ( Modified from memcached collector )

Example Configuration


    enabled = True
    hosts = localhost:22133, app-1@localhost:22133, app-2@localhost:22133, etc

TO use a unix socket, set a host string like this

    hosts = /path/to/blah.sock, app-1@/path/to/bleh.sock,

Options - Generic Options

Setting Default Description Type
byte_unit byte Default numeric output(s) str
enabled False Enable collecting these metrics bool
hosts localhost:22133, List of hosts, and ports to collect. Set an alias by prefixing the host:port with alias@ list
measure_collector_time False Collect the collector run time in ms bool
metrics_blacklist None Regex to match metrics to block. Mutually exclusive with metrics_whitelist NoneType
metrics_whitelist None Regex to match metrics to transmit. Mutually exclusive with metrics_blacklist NoneType
publish Which rows of 'status' you would like to publish. Telnet host port' and type stats and hit enter to see the list of possibilities. Leave unset to publish all.
publish_queues True Publish queue stats (defaults to True) bool

Example Output

servers.hostname.darner.localhost.cmd_get 100
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.cmd_set 150
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.curr_connections 2
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test1.items 2
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test1.open_transactions 8
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test1.waiters 4
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_2.items 16
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_2.open_transactions 64
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_2.waiters 32
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_3_bar.items 128
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_3_bar.open_transactions 512
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.queues.test_3_bar.waiters 256
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.total_connections 15
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.total_items 20
servers.hostname.darner.localhost.uptime 2422175

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