This is a PHP wrapper for the Brightcove Playback API
Add files to project folder.
In get-brighcove-media.php replace the policy token and account number when the class is instantiated
To obtain policy key see this doc: or use the web app to get one directly from the Policy API:
File caching layer is activated by adding require_once('bc-papi-cache.php') to get-brightcove-media.php
Access api as follows (e.g. files placed in folder named brightcove-playback-api):
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/brightcove-playback-api/get-brightcove-media.php');
//find video by video id
$videoid = 12345;
$video = $bc->find('find_video_by_id', 'videos', $videoid);
// e.g. get video poster and display
echo '<img src="' . $video->poster . '" />';
//find video by reference id
$refid = "ref:ref123";
$video = $bc->find('find_video_by_reference_id', 'videos', $refid);
//find playlist by playlist id
$playlistid = 54321;
$playlist = $bc->find('find_playlist_by_id', 'playlists', $playlistid);
echo '<img src="' . $playlist->videos[0]->poster . '" />';
//find playlist by reference id
$refid = "ref:ref321";
$playlist = $bc->find('find_playlist_by_reference_id', 'playlists', $refid);
- Theresa Newman - Initial work - Brightcove-Playback-API-Wrapper
- Based on the PHP Wrapper for the Media API which is being deprecated (