Clean view is a wrapper for MainLayout for blazor project. As it has customizable components, a wrapper allows easier definition than a replacing MainLayout.
- Import the styles from "_content/CleanView/styles.css"
- Add a using statement to _Imports.razor
- Update your MainLayour razor to use the wapper.
<link href="_content/CleanView/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
@using CleanView
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
<CleanLayout CopyrightOwner="<Your Name>" CopyrightStart="1936">
<AppHeader />
<NavMenuLeft />
<span class="oi oi-grid-three-up text-shadow" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="oi oi-cog text-shadow" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<NavMenuRight />
- NavPanelMenuItems can contain NavPanelMenuItems allowing for nested menu structure.
- NavPanelMenuItems can be treated like anchor elements. Attributes are splattered to the anchor. If css classes are used be aware they will override the default class applied.
<NavPanelMenuItem Name="Home" Icon="oi-home" href="" />
<NavPanelMenuItem Name="Sub Menu" Icon="">
<NavPanelMenuItem Name="Counter" Icon="oi-plus" href="counter" />
<NavPanelMenuItem Name="Fetch data" Icon="oi-list-rich" href="fetchdata" />
<NavPanelMenuItem Name="Log out" Icon="oi-account-logout" @onclick="BeginSignOut" />
- Placing this item on a page will set the background image on initialization.
<BackgroundSetter Url="background.jpg" FootNote="Image by Luc Tribolet -" />