Version 410 has been significantly rewritten as I move towards KiCad integration. On the journey some bugs were reported (Thanks Alan!)
These bugs which were reported and fixed are:
Under some circumstances KiCad uses quotes around reference designations internally. This caused RenumKiCadPCB to treat each refdes as a different type.
Renumbering by refdes didn't work.
Selecting "Sort by Refdes" wasn't remembered after exiting the program even though "Sort by Modules"was.
Also I added a reminder warning that you have to close other versions of the relevant .sch and .kicad_pcb files before renumbering. KiCad doesn't refresh externally modified files and I didn't see the benefit of sorting out file lock on Windows, Linux, and Apple given I hope to integrate the code into KiCad and therefore the issue will be moot.