Brian Masse is a multidisciplinary artist and developer based in (Boston MA) He specializes in App UI, UX, and Photography.
- Designed and developed an original full-stack calendar app in swift, SwiftUI, MongoDB; sold 2000+ copies.
- Performed in-depth performance analysis with Xcode debugging instruments to improve app responsiveness by 75%
- Deeply integrated Apple APIs to provide comprehensive continuity features for users
- Continuously iterated on app design and feature set. Added over 30 distinct features since launch
[iOS App, Swift + swiftUI, MongoDB + Realm DeviceSync]
- Awarded ‘excellence in self-conducted research in the field of computer graphics and system programming’ (1 of 2)
- Researched and used C, C++, and Metal to design a custom graphics rendering pipeline for MacOS
- Created a high-level python API to interface with the system rendering calls and deliver outstanding performance to users
[C/C++ Graphics Engine, Python API, Metal, Vulkan]
- Library of handcrafted Swift & SwiftUI views, viewModifiers, and extensions. Extends the base functionality and style of mainy foundational views in SwiftUI while maintainging adaptability and user customizability.
[Open Source Librry, Swift + SwiftUI, Cocoapods, Ruby]
See 20+ more projects here
Im always looking to collaborate and work on new projects :0