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Track A, Headstarter Fellowship - The Tech Catalyst, aiming to empower CS Students with tools, opportunities, and connections to excel in the tech industry.

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Tech Catalyst is an all-in-one resource platform designed to help undergrads and recent graduates break into the tech industry. We provide essential resources like resume templates, skill-building roadmaps, courses, and job listings, empowering you to navigate the tech landscape and land your dream role.

All wireframes for the below task breakdown can be referenced here.

Tech Stack

  • Database: Cloud Firestore
  • Frontend: React with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and DaisyUI
  • Messaging:
  • Authentication: Firebase Authentication
  • Hosting: Firebase Storage, Vercel
  • APIs: Google Safe Browsing API, Google LinkedIn Jobs API, Indeed API, GitHub API, SightEngine API, EventBrite API, Google Calendar API, Microsoft Graph API,

Task Breakdown


  • Feature Section: add onHover or onClick modal popup to list all potential badges, awards, and highlights.
  • Make height responsive on mobile (currently overflows white on narrow viewports)

User Engagement Features

  • Founder's Emblem Badge: Awarded to the first 100 users to join The Tech Catalyst, among the original architects of our hall of knowledge.
  • Scribe's Mark Badge: Awarded for contributing the first approved resource to the community, the ink that builds the foundation of our archives.
  • Sage's Seal Badge: Awarded for consistenly contributing top-quality resources to the resource library, earning the highest recognition among contributors.
  • Illuminator Badge: Awarded for providing feedback on new features during the testing phase.
  • Alchemist's Bond Badge: Granted for making first 5 connections through Swipe-to-Connect, the beginnings of blending your network, turning connections into valuable insights.
  • Grand Alchemist Badge: Granted after making 100 connections through Swipe-to-Connect, reflecting your ability to forge and sustain connections to transform your network into gold.
  • Oracle's Insight Badge: Achieved by attending five tech events and sharing key insights with the community, sharing foresight to help guide others through the halls of knowledge.
  • Concordia Conqueror Badge: Unlocked by successfully completing a project with a peer found through Swipe-to-Connect.
  • Archivist's Quill Badge: Awarded when you upload your first project, etching your contributions and documenting your work.
  • Catalyst MVP Badge (Most Valuable Peer): Earned through consistent activity and support in the community (making discussion forums, commenting, collaborating/messaging, engaging in features, etc.,)
  • Technomancer's Glyph Badge: Granted for mastering at least three tech stacks (similar to GitHubs Rainbow Lang Trophy), wielding arcane arts of technology with precision of expertise.
  • Scholar's Crest Badge: Achieved by completing your first skill-building roadmap, scholarly dedication of the renaissance thinkers.
  • Seeker's Sigil Badge: Unlocked after applying to 10 jobs through the job search tool, navigating the labyrinth of opportunities with relentless pursuit.
  • Mnemosyne’s Grimoire Badge: Create 20 sets of flashcards, or ace over 200 flashcards, mastering memory and sharpening scholarly prowess.
  • Vanguard's Helm Badge: Earned after participating in your first hackathon - may require proof of participation.
  • Sage of Solutions Badge: Unlocked for asking an answering over 50 questions with the AI Tech Chatbot.
  • Navigator's Compass Badge: Earned through particing in your first tech event listed on our platform.
  • Resume Artificer Badge: Earned by creating a standout resume with one of our featured templates.
  • Trailblazer's Torch Badge: Awarded for completing the first of one of our featured roadmaps or certifications.
  • Eminent Scholar Badge: exclusive access and privileges as an elite member of The Tech Catalyst community.

Flashcard Feature

  • Resource Library: add button that links to flashcard feature page (see wireframe)
  • Flashcard Page: Create page for flashcard feature, add routing to it from header component using project structure-based navigation.
  • Add option for user to specify how many flashcards the AI should generate (limit = ~50 flashcards total on free tier, whether saved as collection/deleted or not).
  • onClick, if user isn't logged in, open popup prompting user to log in to access flashcard feature.
  • onClick, If user is logged in, on flashcard generation:
    • If #flashcard requests === 0 or is less than #requests user is making, open popup blocking user from using flashcard feature.
    • If enough flashcard requests remaining (or on paid plan), increment flashcard request counter and approve generation.
  • Add "remaining requests {remaining requests}" on top of page, set to infinity symbol if user is on paid plan.
  • Add button to save flashcards to collection.
  • Collection Page: Create collection page , add routing to it from header component (only shows if user is logged in)
  • Add edit button inside each collection, onClick - displays delete icon next to each flashcard.
  • Handle deletion of flashcards (do not update flashcard limit).
  • Add edit button to collections list, onClick - displays delete icons next to each collection.
  • Handle deletion of collections (do not update flashcard limit).

Roadmap Generation Feature

Tech Chatbot Feature

Project Guidelines Generation Feature

Resource Library

  • Create resource library page with link to it from header component.
  • Add Plus icon with a form to upload resource link.
  • Set limit of 1 resource contribution a day on free plan (auto resets after 24hrs)
  • Set limit of 10 resource contributions a day on paid plan (auto resets after 24hrs)
  • On submission of form:
    • Show popup if user is not logged in, cannot make contribution if not logged in.
    • Show popup if user reached quota of allowed resource submissions.
    • Add Loader while API checks are occurring.
    • Check if resource is a valid URL
    • Check if the resource is already in Cloud Firestore database
    • Check if URL is safe using Web Risk API (implement immediate ban, or 3 strikes with message to dispute strikes at [email protected])
    • Check if URL is appropriate using SightEngine URL and Link Moderation API
    • Check if URL is tech related (TBD how to implement)
    • Fetch and style resource title & company logo using metadata scraping, domain parsing, and Clearbit.
    • Add resource to Firestore in community_resources table, listing it in the resource library with Name, Company, Contributor (the current user), and Link as attributes.
    • Increment # of contributions made by user:
      • If 1 after incrementing: assign user FirstContribution badge if submission is successful.
      • If milestone number after incrementing: assign TopContributor badge if submission is successful.
      • Display congratulations popup (with confetti animation) displaying corresponding badge.
  • Implement pagination.
  • Implement API to scope internet and auto-add resources to cloud firestore in catalyst_resources table.
  • Add Categories sidebar with filtering method to filter resources (community uploaded or otherwise) into categories (templates, videos, websites, SWE, Web Dev, App Dev, Cyber, etc.,)
  • Add Job Board section with LinkedIn API, Indeed API, and parse GitHub repositories of job listings.

User Authentication

  • modify verification feature to delete old verification codes and links instead of setting them to false.
  • Check if email on registration is of a valid domain.

User Dashboard

  • Add section for favorited resources (separate tab)
  • Add cooldown for user read & write requests (prevent abuse - minimize future costs)
  • Modify profile deletion feature to remove image from database.
  • Add "Delete Account" button to delete account with confirmation modal on click.
  • Allow deleting, rearranging, & categorizing favorited resources.
  • Add search bar to "Other Users" section.
  • Add settings preference to display profile as public or private.
  • Add achievements/badge section.
  • Improve click & drag feature for projects in edit state (make responsive on mobile)
  • Create "GitHub Achievements" section, displayed only if GitHub state is set to true (user links their GitHub):
    • List any badges/highlights/trophies and achievements earned through GitHub.
    • Show list of the users' pinned repositories.
  • Potential Additional Feature: Create "LeetCode Achievements" section
  • Add + button next to each project for users to add skills (auto populates skills section)


  • Add payment policy page to prevent liability, add link to it in header component.
  • Set up checkout page with Stripe API for each payment plan (monthly, yearly, and lifetime).
  • Create counter & limit attributes for chatbot feature (limit set to ~10 message requests).
  • Create counter & limit attributes for flashcard feature (limit set to ~15 total generated flashcards).
  • When user payment is confirmed:
    • Send confirmation email with receipt.
    • Set limit to undefined (unlimited).
    • Define start of payment plan to track auto-renewal.
  • Update preferences section in settings:
    • Add “Cancel Plan” button if user is subscribed to a premium (non lifetime) plan.
    • Add “Upgrade Plan” button if user is not subscribed to a plan.
    • Add section to show, update, delete billing information (cannot delete billing information if on payment plan without having another billing record set up).
    • Add section to show, modify, delete card information (same rule as above applies)
    • Leave blank, or just display “Current Plan” if subscribed to lifetime plan

Calendar of Tech Events

  • Add CalendarDays icon in Header component (should open separate page0
  • Design calendar and integrate Eventbrite API to pull events from reputable sites (Google Calendar API, Microsoft Graph API, etc.,)
  • Create PlusCircle button with modal form onClick for users to add events to public calendar (auto check for duplicates in DB using above APIs)

Built-In Messaging System

  • Add Envelope and EnvelopeOpen (in notification state) to Header component
  • Create Inbox section in Dashboard (navigates to it on click of icon)
  • Create message thread components and containers for chats
  • Implement Websockets (

Swipe-to-Connect Feature

  • Cooldown of 5 connections a day on free tier.
  • Create list of languages, frameworks, UIs, DBMSs, etc., (for dashboard skills section)
  • Pass users skills into AI with above list, with prompt to list complimentary/supplimentary skills, use as criteria for finding matches.
  • List all users with a higher ratio of matching skills to other/complimentary skills as "Similar"
  • List all users with a higher ratio of compliemntary skills to matching/other skills as "Complientary"


  • Add tab in header component that links to discussion forum page.
  • List all discussions, with search bar to search existing forums.
  • Add Plus icon to start discussion:
    • Type of discussion:
      • Tech Events: selecting this option prompts user to choose the event from a dropdown menu and write key insights of the event (with min character limit). Possibly require proof of attendance for regulation of content.