Rupedia is a place to share information very much like (exactly like) Wikipedia! Anyone can create, edit, and share public/private Wiki pages using Markdown. Users can also pay (although it's technically free because I wouldn't charge you for this) for the premium features which include a public viewing of all private Wikis, creation of your own private pages, and the ability to invite other users to edit and view your private pages.
Rupedia can be found at
Rupedia functions very much like Wikipedia!
You can create an account, and all your own Wikis will be found on the left sidebar.
Be sure to use Markdown to style your pages!!
- Ruby on Rails - Back-end framework
- jQuery - Ajax animations
- Devise - User Authentication
- PostgreSQL - Production database
- Stripe - Payment Processing
- Heroku - Site hosting
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details