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vockek committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 845af67 commit b4c8ed9
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 62 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,78 +1,67 @@
package edu.rpi.legup.puzzle.minesweeper;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.*;

public final class MinesweeperUtilities {

private static final int SURROUNDING_CELL_MIN_INDEX = 0;
private static final int SURROUNDING_CELL_MAX_INDEX = 9;

public static Stream<MinesweeperCell> getSurroundingCells(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
final Point loc = cell.getLocation();
final int height = board.getHeight();
final int width = board.getWidth();
final int x = (int) loc.getX();
final int y = (int) loc.getY();
// IntStream of 0-9 to represent 2D matrix of surrounding elements,
// this maps from 0,0 to 2,2 so everything needs to be shifted
// left 1 and up 1 to become
// -1,1 to 1,1
// and 5 is skipped because we want to ignore 1,1
// skip 0,0 element
.mapToObj(index -> {
final int newX = index / 3 - 1 + x;
final int newY = index % 3 - 1 + y;
// only keep valid locations
if (newX < 0 || newY < 0 || newX >= width || newY >= height) {
return null;
return board.getCell(newX, newY);
public class MinesweeperUtilities {
public static boolean hasEmptyAdjacent(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
ArrayList<MinesweeperCell> adjCells = getAdjacentCells(board, cell);
for (MinesweeperCell adjCell : adjCells) {
if (adjCell.getTileType() == MinesweeperTileType.UNSET) {
return true;
return false;

public static int countSurroundingType(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell, MinesweeperTileType type) {
final Stream<MinesweeperTileData> stream = getSurroundingCells(board, cell)
return (int) (switch (type) {
case UNSET -> stream.filter(MinesweeperTileData::isUnset);
case BOMB -> stream.filter(MinesweeperTileData::isBomb);
case EMPTY -> stream.filter(MinesweeperTileData::isEmpty);
case FLAG -> stream.filter(MinesweeperTileData::isFlag);
public static ArrayList<MinesweeperCell> getAdjacentCells(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
ArrayList<MinesweeperCell> adjCells = new ArrayList<MinesweeperCell>();
Point cellLoc = cell.getLocation();
for (int i=-1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (int j=-1; j <= 1; j++) {
if (cellLoc.getX() + i < 0 || cellLoc.y + j < 0 || cellLoc.x + i >= board.getWidth() || cellLoc.y + j >= board.getHeight()) {
MinesweeperCell adjCell = (MinesweeperCell) board.getCell(cellLoc.x + i, cellLoc.y + j);
if (adjCell == null) {
return adjCells;

public static int countSurroundingBombs(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
return countSurroundingType(board, cell, MinesweeperTileType.BOMB);
public static ArrayList<boolean[]> getCombinations(int chosenNumItems, int totalNumItems) {
ArrayList<boolean[]> combinations = new ArrayList<boolean[]>();

public static int countSurroundingUnset(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
return countSurroundingType(board, cell, MinesweeperTileType.UNSET);
// calculate all combinations
boolean[] array = new boolean[totalNumItems];
recurseCombinations(combinations, 0, chosenNumItems, 0, totalNumItems, array);

public static int countSurroundingEmpty(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
return countSurroundingType(board, cell, MinesweeperTileType.EMPTY);
return combinations;

public static int countSurroundingFlags(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
return countSurroundingType(board, cell, MinesweeperTileType.FLAG);
private static void recurseCombinations(ArrayList<boolean[]> result, int curIndex, int maxBlack, int numBlack, int len, boolean[] workingArray) {
if (curIndex == len) {
// complete, but not valid solution
if (numBlack != maxBlack) {
// complete and valid solution
// there is no chance of completing the required number of solutions, so quit
if (len - curIndex < maxBlack - numBlack) {

* @return how many bombs are left that need to be placed
* around {@code cell} which must be a flag
public int countNeededBombsFromFlag(MinesweeperBoard board, MinesweeperCell cell) {
if (!cell.getData().isFlag()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bombs are only needed surrounding flags");
if (numBlack < maxBlack) {
workingArray[curIndex] = true;
recurseCombinations(result, curIndex+1, maxBlack, numBlack+1, len, workingArray);
return cell.getData().data() - countSurroundingBombs(board, cell);
workingArray[curIndex] = false;
recurseCombinations(result, curIndex+1, maxBlack, numBlack, len, workingArray);


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