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… test cases for FVT options #36
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BradleyA committed Jan 18, 2020
1 parent 3f82956 commit 9cf77f3
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions hooks/bin/TEST/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# hooks/bin/TEST/ 2.242.1024 2020-01-18T15:40:36.236799-06:00 (CST) dev uadmin 2.241-1-g3f82956
# hooks/bin/TEST/ custom test cases for FVT options #36
#86# hooks/bin/TEST/ - custom test case
### Production standard 3.0 shellcheck
### Production standard 5.3.550 Copyright # 3.550
# Copyright (c) 2020 Bradley Allen # 3.550
# MIT License is online # 3.550
### Production standard 1.3.550 DEBUG variable # 3.550
# Order of precedence: environment variable, default code
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "" ]] ; then DEBUG="0" ; fi # 0 = debug off, 1 = debug on, 'export DEBUG=1', 'unset DEBUG' to unset environment variable (bash)
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "2" ]] ; then set -x ; fi # Print trace of simple commands before they are executed
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "3" ]] ; then set -v ; fi # Print shell input lines as they are read
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "4" ]] ; then set -e ; fi # Exit immediately if non-zero exit status
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "5" ]] ; then set -e -o pipefail ; fi # Exit immediately if non-zero exit status and exit if any command in a pipeline errors
BOLD=$(tput -Txterm bold)
NORMAL=$(tput -Txterm sgr0)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
CYAN=$(tput setaf 6)
WHITE=$(tput setaf 7)

# Date and time function ISO 8601
get_date_stamp() {
DATE_STAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N%:z)
TEMP=$(date +%Z)

# Fully qualified domain name FQDN hostname
LOCALHOST=$(hostname -f)

# Version
# Assumptions for the next two lines of code: The second line in this script includes the script path & name as the second item and
# the script version as the third item separated with space(s). The tool I use is called 'markit'. See example line below:
# template/ 3.517.783 2019-09-13T18:20:42.144356-05:00 (CDT) uadmin 3.516
SCRIPT_NAME=$(head -2 "${0}" | awk '{printf $2}') # Different from ${COMMAND_NAME}=$(echo "${0}" | sed 's/^.*\///'), SCRIPT_NAME = includes Git repository directory and can be used any where in script (for dev, test teams)
SCRIPT_VERSION=$(head -2 "${0}" | awk '{printf $3}')
if [[ "${SCRIPT_NAME}" == "" ]] ; then SCRIPT_NAME="${0}" ; fi
if [[ "${SCRIPT_VERSION}" == "" ]] ; then SCRIPT_VERSION="v?.?" ; fi

GROUP_ID=$(id -g)

### Production standard 2.3.529 log format (WHEN WHERE WHAT Version Line WHO UID:GID [TYPE] Message)
new_message() { # $1="${LINENO}" $2="DEBUG INFO ERROR WARN" $3="message"
echo -e "${NORMAL}${DATE_STAMP} ${LOCALHOST} ${SCRIPT_NAME}[$$] ${SCRIPT_VERSION} ${1} ${USER} ${UID}:${GROUP_ID} ${BOLD}[${2}]${NORMAL} ${3}"

if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "1" ]] ; then new_message "${LINENO}" "${YELLOW}INFO${WHITE}" " Started..." 1>&2 ; fi

if [[ ! -x ${1} ]] ; then # Command invoked does not exist or cannot execute
new_message "${LINENO}" "${RED}ERROR${WHITE}" " ${RETURN_CODE} - File, ${1}, does not exist or have execute permission" 1>&2
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Test case --->${NORMAL} ${0} ${1} 126 - File, ${1}, does not exist or have execute permission - ${BOLD}${RED}ERROR${CYAN} - ERROR${NORMAL}"
exit "${RETURN_CODE}"

### Place test case here

# output is blank: no files w/o hooks
touch "${0}.expected"

COMMAND_NAME=$(echo "${0}" | sed 's/^.*\///')
"${1}" --filename test-"${COMMAND_NAME}" -hooks 2>&1 | cut -d ']' -f 3 >"${0}".test-case-output # pipe [] message into "${0}".test-case-output

if [[ -s ${1} ]] ; then # file size is greater than zero
diff "${0}".expected "${0}".test-case-output >/dev/null 2>&1
new_message "${LINENO}" "${RED}ERROR${WHITE}" " File, ${1}, does not exist or is empty" 1>&2

if [[ "${RETURN_CODE}" -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Test case --->${NORMAL} ${0} ${1} ${RETURN_CODE} - No difference with expected output - ${BOLD}${GREEN}PASS - PASS${NORMAL}"
if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "1" ]] ; then cat "${0}".test-case-output 1>&2 ; fi
exit 0
elif [[ ${RETURN_CODE} -eq 1 ]] ; then
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Test case --->${NORMAL} ${0} ${1} ${RETURN_CODE} - Differences with expected output - ${BOLD}${RED}FAIL - FAIL${NORMAL}"
diff -y "${0}".expected "${0}".test-case-output
exit 1
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Test case --->${NORMAL} ${0} ${1} ${RETURN_CODE} - Test script ERROR - ${BOLD}${RED}ERROR${CYAN} - ERROR${NORMAL}"
exit 2
echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Test case --->${NORMAL} ${0} ${1} 124 - Test script logic ERROR - ${BOLD}${RED}ERROR${CYAN} - ERROR${NORMAL}"
exit 124

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