Download and Cache Images to avoid making multiple requests to the web server
- Uses an AsynImageView (subclass of ImageView) to asynchronously load resources
- Ability to show activity indicator, over the image view while the image is not set
- Supports Placeholder images to be set (from the bundle)
- Supports Callback if image is set/failed to set
- Automatic clearing of cache elements older than 3 days (can be altered)
- Ability to set base URL as default configuration to fetch images from
- Import the source folder in your project
Set the base URL (if required) in your Info.plist to a string with key ImageSuiteBaseAddress
Override the cache time out (if required) in your Info.plist to a string with key ImageSuiteCacheInvalidateValue
- Add following code in AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
//add this only if you want logs to appear. Passing false will explicitly prevent logging. Default set to false
//if the base URL is set in plist file, load it from there to our image manager
- Assigning UIImageViews the class of AsynImageView and then use the available methods to set images
class DemoViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var imageV: AsynImageView! //an outlet from storyboard
//if the base URL is set, then we only supply the resource name/sub path to the function calls
//adding no base URL will require the full resource address to be passed
//even if the base URL is set and we pass a valid URL, the URL passed will be used to fetch the resource
imageV.loadImage(from: "tests/image", placeHolderName: "placeholderImage", completion: { isSuccess in print("Status: \(isSuccess)")})