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Config File Validator

Single cross-platform CLI tool to validate different configuration file types

Code Coverage OpenSSF Scorecard Apache 2 License Awesome Go Go Reference Go Report Card Pipeline Status

Supported config files formats:

  • Apple PList XML
  • CSV
  • ENV
  • HCL
  • INI
  • JSON
  • Properties
  • TOML
  • XML
  • YAML




There are several ways to install the config file validator tool

Binary Releases

Download and unpack from


You can install the validator using aqua.

aqua g -i Boeing/config-file-validator


You can install the validator using Scoop.

scoop install config-file-validator

Arch Linux

We release an AUR package for the config-file-validator

git clone
cd config-file-validator
makepkg -si

go install

If you have a go environment on your desktop you can use go install to install the validator executable. The validator executable will be installed to the directory named by the GOBIN environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH environment variable is not set.

go install[email protected]


Usage: validator [OPTIONS] [<search_path>...]

positional arguments:
    search_path: The search path on the filesystem for configuration files. Defaults to the current working directory if no search_path provided

optional flags:
  -depth int
        Depth of recursion for the provided search paths. Set depth to 0 to disable recursive path traversal
  -exclude-dirs string
        Subdirectories to exclude when searching for configuration files
  -exclude-file-types string
        A comma separated list of file types to ignore
        If globbing flag is set, check for glob patterns in the arguments.
  -groupby string
        Group output by filetype, directory, pass-fail. Supported for Standard and JSON reports
        If quiet flag is set. It doesn't print any output to stdout.
  -reporter value
        A string representing report format and optional output file path separated by colon if present.
        Usage: --reporter <format>:<optional_file_path>
        Multiple reporters can be specified: --reporter json:file_path.json --reporter junit:another_file_path.xml
        Omit the file path to output to stdout: --reporter json or explicitly specify stdout using "-": --reporter json:-
        Supported formats: standard, json, junit, and sarif (default: "standard")
        Version prints the release version of validator

Environment Variables

The config-file-validator supports setting options via environment variables. If both command-line flags and environment variables are set, the command-line flags will take precedence. The supported environment variables are as follows:

Environment Variable Equivalent Flag
CFV_DEPTH -depth
CFV_EXCLUDE_DIRS -exclude-dirs
CFV_EXCLUDE_FILE_TYPES -exclude-file-types
CFV_REPORTER -reporter
CFV_GROUPBY -groupby
CFV_QUIET -quiet
CFV_GLOBBING -globbing


Standard Run

If the search path is omitted it will search the current directory

validator /path/to/search

Standard Run

Multiple search paths

Multiple search paths are supported, and the results will be merged into a single report

validator /path/to/search /another/path/to/search

Multiple Search Paths Run

Exclude directories

Exclude subdirectories in the search path

validator --exclude-dirs=/path/to/search/tests /path/to/search

Exclude Dirs Run

Exclude file types

Exclude file types in the search path. Available file types are csv, env, hcl, hocon, ini, json, plist, properties, toml, xml, yaml, and yml

validator --exclude-file-types=json /path/to/search

Exclude File Types Run

Customize recursion depth

By default there is no recursion limit. If desired, the recursion depth can be set to an integer value. If depth is set to 0 recursion will be disabled and only the files in the search path will be validated.

validator --depth=0 /path/to/search

Custom Recursion Run

Customize report output

You can customize the report output and save the results to a file (default name is result.{extension}). The available report types are standard, junit, json, and sarif. You can specify multiple report types by chaining the --reporter flags.

You can specify a path to an output file for any reporter by appending :<path> the the name of the reporter. Providing an output file is optional and the results will be printed to stdout by default. To explicitly direct the output to stdout, use :- as the file path.

validator --reporter=json:- /path/to/search
validator --reporter=json:output.json --reporter=standard /path/to/search

Exclude File Types Run

Group report output

Group the report output by file type, directory, or pass-fail. Supports one or more groupings.

validator -groupby filetype

Groupby File Type

Multiple groups

validator -groupby directory,pass-fail

Groupby File Type and Pass/Fail

Suppress output

Passing the --quiet flag suppresses all output to stdout. If there are invalid config files the validator tool will exit with 1. Any errors in execution such as an invalid path will still be displayed.

validator --quiet /path/to/search

Search files using a glob pattern

Use the -globbing flag to validate files matching a specified pattern. Include the pattern as a positional argument in double quotes. Multiple glob patterns and direct file paths are supported. If invalid config files are detected, the validator tool exits with code 1, and errors (e.g., invalid patterns) are displayed.

Learn more about glob patterns

# Validate all `.json` files in a directory
validator -globbing "/path/to/files/*.json"

# Recursively validate all `.json` files in subdirectories
validator -globbing "/path/to/files/**/*.json"

# Mix glob patterns and paths
validator -globbing "/path/*.json" /path/to/search


The project can be downloaded and built from source using an environment with Go 1.21+ installed. After a successful build, the binary can be moved to a location on your operating system PATH.



GOOS=darwin \
GOARCH=amd64 \ # for Apple Silicon use arm64
go build \
-ldflags='-w -s -extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo \
-o validator \


cp ./validator /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/validator



GOOS=linux \
GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags='-w -s -extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo \
-o validator \


cp ./validator /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/validator



GOOS=windows \
GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags='-w -s -extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo \
-o validator.exe \


mkdir -p 'C:\Program Files\validator'
cp .\validator.exe 'C:\Program Files\validator'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("C:\Program Files\validator", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)


You can also use the provided Dockerfile to build the config file validator tool as a container

docker build . -t config-file-validator:v1.8.0



We welcome contributions! Please refer to our contributing guide


The Config File Validator is released under the Apache 2.0 License